For the fifth year in a row, the men of Alpha Gamma Rho and the women of Sigma Alpha at The Ohio State University will be hosting the Young Leaders Conference for all high school age students with an interest in agriculture. The event is geared toward helping students gain both professional and leadership skills, with a focus being in the agricultural industry. It will take place at the 4-H Center at OSU on Friday, February 9.
Attached is the invitation as well as the tentative agenda. To register students, please have each individual student register themselves by following the link to the google form. Checks to register can be made payable to Sigma Alpha, with “YLC” in the memo line and mailed to:
Masa Williams, Attn. YLC
222A Animal Science Bldg.
2029 Fyffe Ct.
Columbus, Ohio 43210
The 2018 Young Leaders Conference will be held on Friday, Feb. 9, 2018.