Hog Hair Length

Hog Hair Length Statement
For any hog to be allowed to sell, its hair length must be at least ½-inch long. No exceptions. If the grand or reserve champion barrow or gilt is determined to have hair length less than 1/2 inch, it will not sell but, pursuant to Ohio law, the animal is still terminal, and the exhibitor is required to have the animal delivered to a facility as determined by the Clermont County Agricultural Society.

  • Exhibitors also must sign the Hog Hair Length Statement. This statement will be online and provided one week prior to the start of the fair.
  • No clipping of any hog project after 8am Sunday of the fair.
  • Hair length will be measured at the convenience of the Sale Committee
  • Hair length will be measured by a third party person hired by the Sales Committee.

Companion Animal Project Judging Registration

Companion Animal Project Judging consists of a one-on-one interview with a project judge.  Members will have 15 minutes to share their 4-H project with a judge, answer a few questions and receive feedback regarding his/her project.  Those who participate in Companion Animal Project judging have an opportunity to receive awards for placing 1st – 5th and be selected to represent Clermont County at the Ohio State Fair.

The registration link is for projects being judged on Tuesday, July 23, during the fair. You will need to fill out the survey separately for each project you are bringing to project judging.  Do not select the same time for more than one project and be sure to give yourself 15 minutes between interviews.

Please use the link below to register for Companion Animal Project Judging on Tuesday, July 23, 9:00am – 12:00pm. Registration deadline: Monday, July 15th.

 REGISTRATION for Tuesday, July 23

  • 215 4-H Cavy (Guinea Pig)
  • 216 Cat 1 – Purrr-fect Pals
  • 217 Cat 2 – Climbing Up
  • 218 Cat 3 – Leaping Forward
  • 220 Pocket Pets
  • 227 Pet Rabbits
  • 365.01 Reptiles and Amphibians Idea Starter
  • 365.01 Hedgehogs Idea Starter
  • 365.01 Ferrets Idea Starter
  • 365.01 Chinchillas Idea Starter
  • 365.01 Pigeon Idea Starter
  • 365.00 Self-Determined Companion Animal, for youth taking a companion animal not listed as a project above, such as caged birds, pot-bellied pigs, hermit crabs, pet chickens, etc.

Helpful tips and Project Completion Requirements

Members who want to receive credit for completing their project but do not want to participate in project judging, can review their project with their club advisor.  Projects must be reviewed by September 30, and will count for completion only.  Projects will not be eligible for county or state awards.  As as reminder, completing one project is a requirement for being a member in good standing.  Advisors can use the sheet below to assist with the project review.

Advisor Project Review Sheet


2024 General Project Judging Registration

General Project Judging registration is now available!

General Project Judging consists of a one-on-one interview with a project judge.  Members will have 15 minutes to share their 4-H project with a judge, answer a few questions and receive feedback regarding his/her project.  Those who participate in General Project judging have an opportunity to receive awards for placing 1st – 5th and be selected to represent Clermont County at the Ohio State Fair.

There are two different links to register; one link is for projects being judged on Tuesday, July 9th and the other link is for projects being judged on Wednesday, July 10th . You will need to fill out the survey separately for each project you are bringing to pre-fair project judging.  Do not select the same time for more than one project and be sure to give yourself 15 minutes between interviews. The deadline to register is Monday, July 1.

Please use the links below to register for General Project Judging on Tuesday, July 9th and Wednesday, July 10th:

REGISTRATION for Tuesday, July 9th

  • About 4-H
  • Animal Sciences
  • Career Exploration
  • Communication
  • Home Living
  • Leadership and Citizenship
  • Money Management
  • Natural Resources
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
  • Self-Determined

REGISTRATION for Wednesday, July 10th

  • Clothing and Textile Science
  • Creative and Leisure Arts
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Healthy Living

If you register for judging and find that all of the timeslots are full, please send an email to Meghan Burdsall (burdsall.9@osu.edu) with the 4-H members name, project being judged, and two preferred times.

Pre-Judged Projects

The only projects that will be pre-judged are clothing & textile projects (including projects that do not require sewing), You Can Quilt!, Quilting the Best Better, and the Writer in You. These projects must be turned into the Extension Office by 11:00 a.m. on Wednesay, July 10th, for pre-judging.

Please bring clothing and textile projects to pre-judging, covered with a clear plastic bag (you can get these from a dry cleaner).  Attach a 5” x 5” swatch of the fabric, pattern, a 4” x 6” index card with your first and last name, age, project title and club name as well as a  photo of you in your garment to the outside of the bag. Your Style Revue Narration is also due this day.

Style Revue Narration

Creative writing project entries must be submitted on 8 ½ x 11 inch paper and typewritten. Stories should be double-spaced. The member’s full name, club and class name should appear on the cover page. The member’s last name and page number should appear on the bottom right corner of each page. Entries must be submitted in a 9” x 12” envelope, clearly marked with the youth’s name. Do not submit any folders, notebooks, or binders

Helpful tips and Project Judging Requirements

Members who want to receive credit for completing their project but do not want to participate in project judging, can review their project with their club advisor.  Projects must be reviewed by September 30, and will count for completion only.  Projects will not be eligible for county or state awards.  As as reminder, completing one project is a requirement for being a member in good standing.  Advisors can use the sheet below to assist with the project review.

Advisor Project Review Sheet

REMINDER! The following projects are judged as part of the Companion Animal Show, held on Tuesday of fair week.  Exhibitors will be required to register for an interview time for the Companion Animal Show.  The Companion Animal Show registration will be available soon!

  • 215 4-H Cavy (Guinea Pig)
  • 216 Cat 1 – Purrr-fect Pals
  • 217 Cat 2 – Climbing Up
  • 218 Cat 3 – Leaping Forward
  • 220 Pocket Pets
  • 227 Pet Rabbits
  • 365.01 Reptiles and Amphibians Idea Starter
  • 365.01 Hedgehogs Idea Starter
  • 365.01 Ferrets Idea Starter
  • 365.01 Chinchillas Idea Starter
  • 365.01 Pigeon Idea Starter
  • 365.00 Self-Determined Companion Animal, for youth taking a companion animal not listed as a project above, such as caged birds, pot-bellied pigs, hermit crabs, pet chickens, etc.

2024 DUNF Forms

A link to the form will be sent out on July 8, 2024.

DUNF must be completed by midnight on July 16, 2024. 

All exhibitors with market or lactating projects must complete a Drug Use Notification Form (DUNF).

DUNF (Drug Use Notification Form)

Exhibitors in the following categories must complete ONE PER ANIMAL, except for pens of chickens, 1 form for the pen.

  1. Lactating Dairy Cow
  2. Lactating Dairy Goat
  3. Market Beef (steer/heifer)
  4. Market Chicken – Broiler
  5. Market Chicken – Meat Pen (tag# given to you at chicken pick up)
  6. Market Goat (dairy/meat)
  7. Market Hog (barrow/gilt)
  8. Market Lamb
  9. Market Turkey (tag# given to you at turkey pick up)
  10. Market Rabbits
  11. Feeder Cattle

EID tag animals use all 15 digits.


Scrapie tag animals use the entire series of flock IDs and individual animal ID numbers.



Tattoo identified animals use the whole series or both ears.

Poultry identification number was given to you at respective pick up days. The Extension Office has a copy of the list if you need the number.

Forms will be cross referenced and checked for completeness on Wednesday, July 17th, 2024. If a form is not completely accurate, it will be sent back to the email address on file for you to correct. If it is not corrected by noon on Friday July 19th, you will not be allowed to off load your livestock for fair check-in. 

Accurate means: full name and address, all the digits and letters on your animal’s identification. Yes, all 15 digits of EID, all letters and number on scrapie tag, rabbit both ear tattoo, poultry ID that Jerry gave you at pick up. If you marked YES for medication, all blanks must be filled in correctly, including your vet information. Must be signed by youth and parent, unless you’re 18 years of age.

I can’t fix the small mistakes anymore. I am not allowed. No one in Ohio Extension is allowed. Please be very vigilant, accurate, and complete when you process DUNF.

If you have questions, contact the office at 513-732-7070 or neal.331@osu.edu.

2024 4-H Club Flower Display

Grant’s Farm & Greenhouses  is again donating all of the annual flowers you need to create your fair planters for the Club Flower Display Contest. Feel free to stop by the farm (5552  Bucktown Rd.) or the garden center (2115 S.R. 131) any time during business hours to pick out any annuals you need (flats, 6-packs, 4″pots, or 11″ baskets)! Just tell the cashier at checkout that it’s for 4-H. All 4-H Clubs are encouraged to participate in the 4-H Club Flower Display Contest.

Club Flower Display Container Contest
Flower Container Drop-Off:
Thursday, July 18th, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., 4-H Hall
Award Presentation: Thursday, July 25th, at 6:00 p.m. during the Skillathon Awards Ceremony

General Rules:

  1. Clubs are responsible for taking care of their flower displays throughout the week.
  2. Plants must be planted inside the container. It is recommended that packing peanuts or an empty milk jug be placed in the bottom of the container then filled with soil to reduce weight.
  3. Containers must be easily moved. Containers will be displayed at the entryway of buildings and barns around the fairgrounds.
  4. Flower containers should be the work of club members.
  5. The club name must be visibly displayed on the flower container.
  6. The fair theme should be incorporated into the overall design.
  7. Flower containers must be turned in to the Extension Office between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Thursday, before fair.
  8. Flower Displays must be placed and finished by 7pm. Judging can take place anytime from 7pm, Thursday before fair until the Wednesday of fair.
  9. Flower displays will be judged on originality/creativity, overall design and incorporation of the fair theme. Awards will be given for first to fifth place as well as individual honors for the Most Creative, Most Colorful and Best 4-H Design. Designs turned in late will not be judged.

2024 Fair theme is…..

175 years of making memories and keeping traditions alive

Thank you to the Grant Family for their generosity and support of the Clermont County 4-H Program!

Fair Pass Order Form & Premium Form

Fair pass order forms are due to the Extension Office by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 5th.

You may drop off order forms in person to OSUE or scan/email to burdsall.9@osu.edu. Head Advisors must complete the fair pass order form and attach their club roster, with the names of club members and adult volunteers who are eligible for a fair pass. Please mark out the names of any individuals who have not met the minimum requirements. Once your roster is confirmed, the Clermont County Ag Society (aka Senior Fair Board) will prepare your passes.

You will be notified when they are ready for pick up at the Senior Fair Board office. Office hours are 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. on Wednesdays. Fair passes must be picked up by an adult advisor, not a youth. Payment will be due at the time of pass pick-up. Please make checks payable to the “Clermont County Ag Society.”

Fair Pass Order Form

Junior Fair exhibitors are eligible to earn premiums for the completion of their 4-H projects. Each project exhibited at the Clermont County Fair is worth $2, with each member earning a maximum of $6. Head Advisors should complete and return the premium form to the Extension Office by Monday of the fair week by 4:00pm (July 22).

Junior Fair Premium Form


Clermont County 4-H Cloverbuds are invited to Cloverbud Show & Tell on Friday, July 26th, at 10:00 a.m. in the 4-H Hall.

Cloverbuds are encouraged to bring an item to share, the item should be something that the Cloverbud made or learned about at a club meeting or as part of their participation in the Cloverbud program.  Animals are not permitted as part of Cloverbud Show and Tell, regardless of size.

To help us have an accurate count of participants, please register your Cloverbud at the link below or scan the QR Code.

Register Here