Clermont County MGV Ask a Master Gardener Booth at Williamsburg Farmer’s Market

On Wednesday, May 1, the Williamsburg Farmer’s Market opened its 2024 season with a bang! 295 customers/attendees enjoyed the variety of food, plants, and doggy treats available from 7 vendors, and LOTS of children enjoyed the “Touch-a-Truck” event with a variety of fire, EMT, and law enforcement vehicles available for exploration. Clermont County MGVs Diana Dickinson and Susan Givler manned the first-ever MGV booth at the Farmer’s Market to answer questions and provide information to attendees. They logged more than 30 attendee visitors over the 3 hours of the Market.

The Williamsburg Farmer’s Market is a weekly affair, open from 4-7:00 every Wednesday from May 1 through October 16 at 150 E. Main St., Williamsburg. As the season progresses and produce and meat become more available, the number of vendors will increase to around 13-14 each week. The Clermont County MGVs will be a regular feature, with a booth twice in May and once a month for the rest of the season on the Market’s Special Event Days, which are:

May 1                   Touch-a-Truck

May 22                Touch-a-Truck 2

June 12                Community Outreach Day

July 17                  Christmas in July

August 14            Williamsburg Local Schools Event

September 18    Williamsburg Garden Club Scarecrows in Williamsburg

October 16         4th Annual Trick or Treat/Costume Contest

See us and enjoy the bounty of the Market!

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