New and Small Farm College

2021 Registration is Open!

Photo of a green field with a brown rail fence and green trees in the background
“I recommend this program to anyone starting or thinking about farming in any area. The amount of knowledge presented was priceless.” -J. A.

The New and Small Farm College is a seven-week program that introduces new and seasoned farmers to a wide variety of topics. The program teaches participants how to set goals, plan, budget, and where to find resources if they choose to start a small farming operation. The course will lay out how to manage financial and farm records.

This August, three colleges are beginning in Wayne, Fayette and Pike counties. Sessions will be held in the evenings beginning at 6:00 pm with a light dinner followed by a 6:30 – 9:00 program on a different weekly topic.

The cost to attend is $125 and includes a resource binder, meals, all programs including Farm Science Review admission, and a soil test. Additional family members can register for $100 per person (excludes binder).

OSU South Centers
Fayette County Extension
Washington CH
OSU Wooster Shisler Conf. Center
Begins August 18
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Begins August 19
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Begins August 31
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“Small Farm college provided the spark to launch my farm operation and prepared me with the resources and contacts to move forward with confidence.”-S.F.R

Extension Educators will illustrate many different enterprises that can be profitable on land as small as one acre. The educators will show the benefits and pitfalls of each enterprise so that the participant will be able to pick and choose what may work best for them and what suits their interest.

If you are new to farming, or looking for that spark to make your farm resources more profitable, don’t miss the Small Farm College in your region!

“A great resource offering Pro’s & Con’s of a small farming operation. Don’t even think about starting one without taking this course first!”-D. D.

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