Inclusive Excellence Trainings – Summer 2018

These one-hour trainings focus on best practices for ensuring all reasonable efforts to attract a diverse candidate pool for open staff or faculty positions. Participants will examine the role that implicit bias often plays in screening applicants.  Strategies for advertising and creating avenues for underrepresented applicants will be presented.

Over the summer, these trainings will be available via Zoom.

Staff hire training will be June 8 and Aug. 17. Click here to register for staff hire training.

Faculty hire training will be June 22 and Aug. 10. Click here to register for faculty hire training.

2018 Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference – Save the Date

The 2018 Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference will be Friday, Nov. 2, 2018.

The agenda and registration information will be posted this summer.

You can view the entire 2017 annual Ohio State University Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference that was held on Nov. 9. Click here for more in information on the Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference series.

Small Business Innovation Research Road Tour

The SBIR Road Tour is a national outreach effort to convey the non-dilutive technology funding opportunity provided through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. The SBIR/STTR programs annually provide $2.5 billion in funding to small advanced technology firms to spur new technological discoveries and facilitate the commercialization of innovations.

The event is Wednesday, June 20. Registration is free for faculty and opened Friday, April 20.

Click here for more information about SBIR and the road tour.

Conference on Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Ohio State Academy of Teaching’s
Conference on Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Creating Inclusive Connections
Thursday, May 3, 2018

The Academy of Teaching’s Conference on Excellence in Teaching & Learning will be held Thursday, May 3 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. This free event is for members of The Ohio State University community to share innovative and interesting, evidence-based ideas for the improvement of teaching effectiveness and student learning. The theme is “Creating Inclusive Connections.”

Join us for discussions about how we cross geographic, interpersonal, disciplinary, technological, instructional, societal, and many other boundaries to connect our students with ourselves, one another, and our subject matter.

Register here!

BuckeyeLearn Redesign

On April 11, the BuckeyeLearn team introduced a streamlined homepage design that will improve the learner experience by allowing a direct way to review available trainings on your transcript and search for additional training experiences. Change highlights include:

  • more prominent “My Training” widget that provides a quicker view of your specific registered training
  • less cluttered home page
  • revised “To Do” widget that shares priority items for you and your direct reports
  • new “Pending Evaluations” widget that allows direct access to open training evaluations

Questions about BuckeyeLearn? Contact the IT Service Desk at 614-688-4357 or through Self Service.

COMPAS Colloquium: Food Pyramid Scheme with Christopher Carter

Ohio State’s COMPAS Program, the Methodist Theological School in Ohio, Ohio State’s School of Environment and Natural Resources, and InFACT are partnering to present “Food Pyramid Scheme” with Christopher Carter, Assistant Professor of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of San Diego.

The event, which will be held from 1:30 – 3 p.m. on April 16 on the 11th floor of Thompson Library, will explore the structural inequalities that exist in the domestic food system for both producers and consumers, paying particular attention to the underlying sociological and theological assumptions that permit the current food system, whose shortcomings disproportionately affect communities of color, to be viewed as normative.

Click here for more information.

Spaceship in the Desert

Gökçe Günel of the University of Arizona presents “Spaceship in the Desert: Energy, Climate Change and Urban Design in Abu Dhabi” at 4 p.m. March 26 in Room 1080, Derby Hall, on Ohio State’s Columbus campus. Admission is free and open to the public. Ohio State’s Cultures of the Anthropecene working group, part of the Humanities Institute, is the event’s host.

Günel is the author of a new book, scheduled to be published next year by Duke University Press, that carries the same title as her lecture. She is an assistant professor in Arizona’s School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies.

The event flyer says that in 2006, the city of Abu Dhabi, capital of the oil-rich United Arab Emirates, “launched an ambitious project to construct the world’s first ‘zero-carbon’ city: Masdar City.” Günel’s talk, the flyer says, will investigate “the construction of renewable energy and clean technology infrastructures … as the era of abundant oil supplies comes to an end.”

Click here for more information.

Sustainable Supply Chain Through the Lens of Reinvention

School of Environment and Natural Resources
Environmental Professionals Network

Sustainable Supply Chain Through the Lens of Reinvention

A conversation with:

  • Dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva – co-founder and chief reinvention officer at We Exist Reinvention Agency
  • Katie Fornadel – supply planning analyst at Patagonia
  • Frank O’Brien-Bernini – vice president and chief sustainability officer for Owens Corning
  • Sarah Moore – retail project manager and sustainability strategist at Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams

EPN Flyer

Monday, April 16, 2018
7 – 8:40 p.m.
The Ohio State University
Ohio Union Archie M. Griffin Grand Ballroom
1739 N High St, Columbus, OH 43210

Click here to register.

Ohio is home to thousands of environmental professionals working every day to make the world a better place. The Environmental Professionals Network (EPN) is a service of the School of Environment and Natural Resources that connects and grows environmental professionals in-person and online.

Team Science Education Session

Team Science and the Role of Research Development Professionals
March 21, 2018
11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Video-linked: Research Services 130 (Wooster), Kottman Hall 200 (Columbus)  
Click here
to register.

Federal agencies are increasingly allocating funding to address societal grand challenges. Universities understand that mounting successful efforts in response require team science approaches. RA/RD professionals play an essential role in supporting these efforts. This presentation will define types of team science, describe major award programs supported by several of the federal agencies, and discuss how RA/RD can facilitate the successful development and submission of these proposals.

Our presenter, Dr. Kate Hayes-Ozello, has a scientific background in virology/immunology and over the past 15 years developed offices of grant support at department and college levels. Presently, she is a proposal development specialist supporting faculty teams in the Ohio State Translational Data Analytics Institute to pursue large, strategic federal funding opportunities.

Click here to view a full listing of upcoming events on the Grant Development Support Unit’s calendar.

Annual BioBased Systems Workshop

Date and Location Change

The workshop will now take place on Sept. 10, 2018, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in Columbus.

Stakeholders from academia, commodity groups, and industry will come together to share knowledge and experiences in the development and commercialization of biobased materials at the Advanced Biobased Systems Workshop: Pipeline to Commercialization.

“The workshop is an opportunity to gain understanding from the big picture perspective as well as case studies that illustrate the commercialization process, including challenges and overcoming them,” said event organizer Dr. Ajay Shah, assistant professor in the Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering (FABE)  and head of the Biobased Systems Analysis Lab.

“The Ohio Soybean Council (OSC) is excited to provide support for this workshop,” said Barry McGraw, OSC director of Product Development and Commercialization. “It fits our mission of expanding the development of soy-based products and technologies, improving the profitability of Ohio’s soybean farmers.”

Several Ohio State researchers and industry leaders will be sharing their ideas and experiences in the commercialization process for biobased fuels and products.

Industry leaders such as Mike Feazel, Co-Founder and CEO of Roof Max Technologies, LLC, will be sharing examples of the impact bio-based products have had in their areas.

“Roof Maxx is showing great promise as a biobased solution that can have a major impact on the roofing industry,” said Feazel. “The bio-based business model is proving viable, important for successful movement to bio-based production systems across many markets, which I see as a sensible approach for achieving economic and environmental sustainability.”

Feazel will present “Soy-based Emulsion for Extending Roof Shingle Life: A Case Study.”

Three FABE faculty will also be presenting at the workshop:

  • Dr. Scott Shearer will present “Big Data Driven Optimization of Feedstock Logistics for Biobased Industries.”
  • Dr. Katrina Cornish will present “Developing Applications for Natural Rubber Alternatives.”
  • Dr. Ajay Shah will present “Techno-economic and Life Cycle Analyses: Why it’s important.”

“The goal is to develop greater understanding and networks that will lead to continue growth in this important industry,” said Shah.

Registration is $60, or $75 after Aug. 27, 2018. Registration includes continental breakfast, lunch, and access to a networking event following the workshop. The workshop is sponsored by the Ohio Soybean Council, OSU’s Sustainable and Resilient Economy Discovery Theme, OBIC, and BioHio.

Click here to learn more about the workshop’s sessions and speakers.

Ohio Farm to Cafeteria Pre-Conference & Policy Forum

The forum is led by the Ohio Farm to School Leadership Team in partnership with Ohio State’s Initiative for Food and AgriCultural Transformation (InFACT) program. It will be held April 25 from 3 – 8 p.m. at the Duke Energy Convention Center in Cincinnati. The Ohio-focused event will actively engage the community in meaningful discussion about current and emerging issues, opportunities, challenges and barriers, and policy development related to serving local foods in schools.

Celebrate Ohio Days: My Plate, My State Dinner
Learn what qualifies as a school lunch program meal through a locally-sourced meal.

A Bus Trip From Central Ohio to Cincinnati
Ohio Farm to School is providing a shuttle bus for a small fee for conference participants from Columbus to the conference on April 25 – 26. The bus trip will eliminate the need to locate and pay for parking and will allow riders the chance to network, work, or rest along the route, rather than drive. The bus option will be offered to the Farm to School community members. You can choose your own departure and return time.

Click here for more information and to reserve your place today.

2018 Leadership Summit

A morning to inspire, engage and invigorate. Two sessions will dive into the concept of leadership, giving you the knowledge, tools and confidence to be a more effective leader.

Mark Sanborn, author of The Fred Factor and The Potential Principle will be our featured keynote.

Following Mark’s keynote, we will have an expert panel of community leaders who will share their leadership insights. Gail Hogan, former co-anchor of NBC 4, will moderate the panelists, who include:

  • Shannon Ginther – First Lady, City of Columbus; Columbus Women’s Commission Chair
  • Anil Makhija – Dean and John W. Berry, Sr. Chair in Business, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University
  • Angela C. Dawson – Executive Director, Ohio Commission on Minority Health

Wednesday, March 28, 2018
8 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Ohio Union Archie M. Griffin East Ballroom
$90 registration fee; deadline to register is March 19

Click here to register.


Team Science Workshop – April 28, 2018

OSUCCC leadership, and Drs. Verschraegen and Roychowdhury invite you to a Team Science Workshop.

Saturday, April 28
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Biomedical Research Tower (BRT) Room 115

The goal of this workshop is to increase clinical-scientific collaborations and multi-PI grant submissions at the OSUCCC – James by:

  • Meeting other scientists and clinicians ready to beat cancer
  • Developing prototype collaborative research concepts
  • Sharing concepts for feedback
  • Leaving the workshop with new friends and ideas to pursue NIH/NCI peer review submissions

Anyone currently conducting cancer-related research in any college at Ohio State is invited to attend.

Click here to register.

Questions? Contact

Team Science Workshop Agenda    
9 a.m.  Introduction
9:10 a.m. Think Tanks
10:40 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m. Share and Open Discussion
11:45 a.m. Closing Remarks

The Burgeoning Internet of Food Seminar

The Burgeoning Internet of Food: New Opportunities for Food, Food Systems and Health Informatics
Seminar with Matthew Lange, PhD

Wed, Feb 28, 3 p.m.
Parker Food Science and Technology, Room 120
2015 Fyffe Court, The Ohio State University

Part Semantic Web (SemWeb), part Internet of Things (IoT), and part blockchain: the emerging Internet of Food (IoF) holds promise to change the way we conduct science, assign value to commodities and processes, transact food business, and develop policy and intervention programs related to food systems.

A confluence of technologies underpinning the IoF support new economic models where companies compete to be more traceable, more transparent, and ultimately more trustworthy. At the same time, increasingly harmonized data structures and vocabularies enable data sharing/collaboration and publication/communication mechanisms spanning scientific disciplines, geographic boundaries, and dimensions of time and space from protein folding to earth observation.

At this seminar, Dr. Lange will highlight work being conducted at the International Center for Food Ontology Operability Data and Semantics (IC-FOODS@UCDavis) together with public and private partners, including The Ohio State University, to build IoF infrastructure.

Matthew Lange, PhD
Professional Food and Health Informatician and Research Scientist
UC Davis Food Science and Technology

Dr. Lange’s research program is helping to define and shape a new scientific discipline known as Food Informatics, while simultaneously enabling the engineering of a computable infrastructure for the burgeoning Internet of Food (IoF). Part Semantic Web (SemWeb), part Internet of Things (IoT), the IoF is the global, evolving knowledge base of food that exists as ontologies and linked object data (LOD) stores.

Refreshments will be provided
RSVPs are not required