EAP Benefits Faculty and Staff

Most of you are probably aware of the Ohio State Employee Assistance Program (EAP), but we know that some of the critical information about the EAP sometimes gets buried, so we wanted to take a moment to remind you that the EAP offers a variety of programs that would be beneficial for faculty and staff. The EAP offers five complimentary and confidential counseling sessions to faculty, staff, family members, parents, parents-in-law, and anyone living in your household who is eligible for services.  The EAP counselors can certainly see you when stress is building, and they can also see you to get to the root cause of stress before it gets to the tipping point!

Please see Prezi below for more information or click here for more information on EAP services. For more information, you also can contact 1-800-678-6265.

Click here to view EAP Prezi: https://osu.box.com/s/844mow277j4ov76lbv8hzice9pjg45gg.

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