Ewy Mathé, Ph.D.

office: 340-D Lincoln Towermatheweb
phone: (614) 688-9645
fax: (614) 688-6600
email: ewy.mathe@osumc.edu
Visit Dr. Mathé’s professional website

Ewy Mathé, PhD, is an assistant professor in the Department of Biomedical Informatics. Her position is funded in part by the Translational Data Analytics at OSU initiative. Her primary research interest are to leverage epigenomics, genomics, nucleotide variants and metabolic patterns to 1) understand how the genetic and epigenetic landscape affects disease phenotypes, particularly cancer; 2) define cell-type and disease-type specific molecular characteristics to uncover novel biomarkers and guide the search of novel therapeutic targets.

Prior to joining the department, Dr. Mathé was a Bioinformatics Staff Scientist in the Laboratory of Immunogenomics at NIAMS/NIH in Bethesda, MD. Before her staff scientist position at NIAMS/NIH, she delved into Molecular Epidemiology during her postdoctoral training in the Laboratory of Carcinogenesis at the National Cancer Institute, where she discovered putative esophageal and lung cancer biomarkers using miRNA microarrays and metabolomics.  Dr. Ewy Mathé received her BS in Biochemistry from Mount Saint Mary’s University, MD in 2000 and her PhD in Bioinformatics from George Mason University, VA in 2006. ​​​​


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