He works for the soil, farmers, the planet

Here’s another reason to celebrate Ohio Agriculture Week, March 10-16:

CFAES’ Rattan Lal, esteemed soil scientist in the School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR), recently achieved an unusual triple crown, winning the prestigious World Soil Prize, World Agriculture Prize, and Japan Prize in the span of about four months.

The science of soil and how it can help

Lal’s efforts to protect and improve the soil—by preventing erosion, increasing organic matter, and more—help farmers in Ohio and around the world and all of us who need what they grow.

His research on sequestering carbon, meanwhile—Lal directs SENR’s Carbon Management and Sequestration Center—shows a doable way to help slow down climate change that’s good for the soil to boot.

It’s work that serves soil, farmers, and the planet; it suggests we’re connected and in this together.

“I strongly believe,” Lal says, “that health of soil, plants, animals, people, and ecosystems are one and indivisible.”

Read how and why he was honored here, here, and here. Check out a wonderful profile of him on our CFAES Stories website. (Photo: Ken Chamberlain, CFAES.)

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