Spanish lyrics
Tengo Una Muñeca
Canta: Coro Zafiro
Tengo una muñeca vestida de azul
Con su camisita y su canesú;
La saqué a paseo, se me constipó
La tengo en la cama con mucho dolor.
Esta mañanita me dijo el doctor
Que le dé jarabe con un tenedor;
Dos y dos son cuatro, cuatro y dos son seis,
Seis y dos son ocho y ocho, dieciséis.
Y ocho veinticuatro y ocho treinta y dos,
Ánimas benditas me arrodillo yo.
English translation
I Have a Dolly
Translation by Patricia V. Lunn
I have myself a dolly who's all dressed in blue
She even has a nightie with a canesu (yoke)
I took her for a walk and then she got a cold
Now she can't get out of bed and so she's feeling low
It was just this morning that the doctor said
I should use a fork to give her syrup in bed
Two and two are four, and four and two are six
Six and two are eight, and eight are ten and six
And eight are twenty-four, and eight are thirty-two
Spirits of the blessed, I kneel down to you