Noted errors in the printing of Sonidos en contexto:
Page 122, item 13
- la usas should read la usas
Page 141, instructions for EN EQUIPO
- todas la palabras should read todas las palabras
Page 234, line 7
- Hawai should read Hawái
Page 323, 8th line from bottom
- pr oduciendo should read produciendo
Page 354, first line of song lyrics
- ler should read leré
Page 379, items 24-26
- fricativa should read aproximante
Page 381, line 22
- arrellenádicos should read arrellanádicos
Page 388, 3rd paragraph, line 3
- permiten should read permite
Page 434, 3rd paragraph, line 1
- merKamueble should read merKmueble.