La rana

Chapter information

  • Chapter: 24
  • Page: 357


Spanish lyrics

See book page 357

English translation

The Froggie
La rana
English translation by Patricia V. Lunn

The froggie, the froggie
Just sitting and waiting to sing in a rainstorm
But when the froggie got ready to start
Along came a fly and he made him stop

The fly, the fly
The froggie, the froggie
Just sitting and waiting to sing in a rainstorm
When the fly got ready to start
Along came the spider and he made him stop

The spider, the spider
The fly, the fly
The froggie, the froggie
Just sitting and waiting to sing in a rainstorm
But when the spider got ready to start
Along came a kitten and she made him stop

The kitten
The spider
The fly
The froggie
Just sitting and waiting to sing in a rainstorm
But when the kitten got ready to start
Along came a doggie and he made her stop

The doggie, the doggie
The kitten, the kitten
The spider, the spider
The fly, the fly
The froggie, the froggie
Just sitting and waiting to sing in a rainstorm
But when the doggie got ready to start
Along came a cow and she made him stop

The cow, the cow
The doggie, the doggie
The kitten, the kitten
The spider, the spider
The fly, the fly
The froggie, the froggie
Just sitting and waiting to sing in a rainstorm
But when the doggie got ready to start
Along came a cow and she made him stop

The bull, the bull
The cow, the cow
The doggie, the doggie
The kitten, the kitten
The spider, the spider
The fly, the fly
The froggie, the froggie
Just sitting and waiting to sing in a rainstorm
But when the cow got ready to start
Along came a bull and he made her stop

The bull, the bull
The cow, the cow
The doggie, the doggie
The kitten, the kitten
The spider, the spider
The fly, the fly
The froggie, the froggie
Just sitting and waiting to sing in a rainstorm
But when the bull got ready to start
Along came a man and he made him stop

The man, the man
The bull, the bull
The cow, the cow
The doggie, the doggie
The kitten, the kitten
The spider, the spider
The fly, the fly
The froggie, the froggie
Just sitting and waiting to sing in a rainstorm
But when the man got ready to start
Along came a mother-in-law and she made him stop

Mother-in-law, mother-in-law
The man, the man
The bull, the bull
The cow, the cow
The doggie, the doggie
The kitten, the kitten
The spider, the spider
The fly, the fly
The froggie, the froggie
Just sitting and waiting to sing in a rainstorm
But when the mother-in-law got ready to start…
Nobody could make her stop