2024 Small Ruminant Feed and Water Use Efficiency Survey

John Yost, OSU Extension Educator ANR, Wayne County

(QR Code to access the 2024 Small Ruminant Feed and Water Use Efficiency Survey)

Thank you for your interest in providing responses to this survey. Before proceeding, please review the following information related to the study and your rights.

By completing the survey, you will help us determine the average level of awareness, and base knowledge of feed and water use efficiency in small ruminant livestock. This online survey will direct you through a set of questions. The Ohio State University Office of Responsible Research Practices has classified this project as Exempt and assigned the study number 2023E1338.

You can access the survey at https://go.osu.edu/2024smallruminantefficiency or by the QR Code provided.

Continue reading 2024 Small Ruminant Feed and Water Use Efficiency Survey

The Nuts and Bolts of EBVs

Eastern Alliance for Production Kathadins (EAPK) Communications Committee
(Previously published online with EAPK: November 17, 2023)

(Image Source: Texas A&M Agrilife Extension)

EBVs are tools that producers can use to select breeding animals that will help them meet flock goals for specific traits such as growth, milk, reproduction, parasite resistance and carcass quality. It is important to understand that selecting for extremes in one trait will often put negative selection pressure on other traits of interest. Often, animals with extremely high EBVs in certain traits will require additional nutritional support or better management to perform successfully at that level. In addition, some traits are antagonistic to other traits, meaning that if you select strongly for one trait you may be inadvertently reversing the progress you’ve made in other important traits. Traits that are directly measured (weights, FEC, Carcass) are generally more heritable than other traits such as milk and prolificacy. Below is a condensed description of EBVs, how they are measured and why they are important.

Maternal Weaning Weight EBV (MWWT):
MWWT EBV provides an estimate of the genetic effects of the ewe’s milk and mothering ability on the weaning weight of her lambs. A higher value generally indicates Continue reading The Nuts and Bolts of EBVs