Lambing and Kidding Basics Discussion – February 18, 2023

Tim Barnes, OSU Extension Educator ANR, Marion County

Lambing and Kidding Basics

Dr. Michelle “Mitch” Michalak, Dr. Brady Campbell, and Jacci Smith are the headline speakers for a Lambing and Kidding program presented by the Marion County Sheep Improvement Association, and OSU Extension Marion County. The event will be held at the farm of Tim Swisher (Swisher Club Lambs) 9163 Irvin-Shoots, LaRue, Ohio starting at 10:00 am on Saturday, February 18. A lamb sandwich lunch will be provided by the Marion County Sheep Improvement Association. Dr. Mitch Michalak, Maria Stein Animal Clinic, will explain the “Obstetrics & Care of Newborns” plus discuss general flock/herd health. Dr. Brady Campbell, OSU State Small Ruminant Extension Specialist, will present “Nutrition: Gestation, Nursing, Early Growth, & Maintenance”. Jacci Smith, Delaware County Extension Educator, will highlight “Birthing Problem Simulator & New Technology for Your Farm” and Tim Barnes, Marion County Extension Educator, will explain a successful system to “ Artificial Rearing for Young Offspring”. This will be a great opportunity to ask questions and learn about caring for the newborns in your flock/herd. Pre-registration is requested by calling OSU Extension, Marion County at 740-914-3020 by February 15.

For more details on this event, be sure to click here to view the program flyer.