OSU Extension partnering with FCS teachers in Lucas County

In Lucas County we are fortunate to have school districts that offer Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) classes to high school students and some offer it in middle school and/or junior high school. When students are choosing their classes for the next year, it may or may not say “Family and Consumer Sciences” but some of the specific classes that fall under this field might have course titles like: Principles of Food, Nutrition and Wellness, Transitions and Careers, Personal Finance Management, Textiles and Interior Design, Personal Wellness, Human Growth and Development or Child Development. Please encourage students to consider taking these classes!

The following document has a list of classes that Patrice Powers-Baker, OSU Extension, Lucas County, FCS Educator offers to present to middle school/junior high and high school students (in Lucas County Ohio). Her email is powers-barker.1@osu.edu and the document describes the following classes:

  • Feeding a Family
  • Introduction to Local Foods
  • “Outlaw” Veggies – what to do with all these vegetables?
  • Plan a Menu Garden for Health and Wellness
  • PAX Tools for Families and Caregivers
  • The Spending Game (aka Count Your Beans)
  • Food Choice and Food Insecurity
  • Mindfulness
  • Food For Young Children
  • Universal Design
  • Plastics in the Home
  • Real Money Real World

Document for Lucas County FCS teachers, Extension lessons for High School and Middle School FCS classes

In addition to classes that are specifically offered by the FCS Educator, there might be additional options for teachers like partnering with 4H Youth Development or Community Nutrition Education.

OSU Extension: Then and Now

Established over 100 years ago (1914), how does the national Cooperative Extension Service serve communities now? These resources will focus on Ohio State University Extension, with a brief history and current highlights. Emphasis will be on Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) programming for individuals and families across the lifespan.

If you attended 2022, August 1st session at OATFCS and need additional materials, please email Patrice at powers-barker.1@osu.edu

CLASS PARTICIPANTS: please take a moment to complete an evaluation for the August 1st session. Click HERE    (IF promoted, for an access code, please use R-Zfd0mvuUoEngrtv  (the first 0 is a zero)

A copy of the PowerPoint can be found HERE.

Brief Timelines:

Links to Other Resources:

OSU Extension Programs and Resources:

References: (in addition to those listed above)

Clark-Robinson, M. (2021). Standing on Her Shoulders: a Celebration of Women. (L. Freeman, Illus.). Orchard Books.

Donnan, R. (1954). The Beginning of Agricultural Extension Work in Northwestern Ohio. The Historical Society of Northwestern Ohio, Toledo. Northwest Ohio Quarterly, Winter 1954, Volume XXVI – No. 1.

Dreilinger, D. (2021). The secret history of home economics: How trailblazing women harnessed the power of home and changed the way we live. W W Norton & Company.

McGregor, S. (2020). Home ecology to home economics and beyond: Ellen Swallow Richards’ disciplinary contributions. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences. Vol. 112 No. 2.

Miami University. Digital Collections. Alice Swisher Memorial: https://digital.lib.miamioh.edu/digital/collection/facmem/id/209

Nickols, S., Ralston, P., Anderson, C., Browne, L., Schroeder, G., Thomas, S., and Wild, P. (2009). The family and consumer sciences body of knowledge and the cultural kaleidoscope: Research opportunities and challenges. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, vol 37:3: 266-283.