4-H Poultry Judging Contest Rules & Ohio State Fair 4-H Avian Contest Rules

A link to the 2021 Ohio State Fair 4-H Poultry Judging Contest Rules and Ohio State Fair 4-H Avian Contest Rules are posted on the Poultry Calendar of Events page at:

https://ohio4h.org/animalsciences/poultry/poultry-calendar-events or www.poultry.osu.edu.

The postmark deadline for entries for both the Poultry Judging Contest and Avian Bowl is Friday, June 25. Both contests will be held at the Department of Animal Sciences on Saturday, July 17.

Please be aware that although the state of Ohio is currently scheduled to lift several COVID-19 restrictions at the beginning of June, The Ohio State University, and therefore Ohio 4-H, may still mandate restrictions.

  • For the 2021 Avian Bowl and Poultry Judging Contests, unless announced otherwise, everyone (contestants, volunteers, advisors, family members, officials, etc.) will be required to wear a mask when in the contest rooms or walking around the building (to/from contest rooms, to/from the restroom, etc.).  All teams will have assigned areas to maintain social distancing where they may take their masks off when seated in their assigned area.
  • Failure to abide by these guidelines will result in the disqualification of the entire team.


We may also restrict the number of individuals allowed into the building per team (i.e. only 6 individuals per team (including the contestants, coach, and any family members).  This will depend on the number of teams per age division that register for the contest.  This information will be updated and emailed to coaches after registration is closed.

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