Ohio State Fair Updates

Hey all,

Just a few things regarding OSF:

  • Because the Juneteenth holiday is close to the previous deadline, OSF has changed the deadline for livestock entries to June 21st (instead of June 20th)
  • Please note that the dog show is much earlier (~2 weeks before fair opens)
  • The Jr Swine Show requires market hogs to have an 840 tag and a premise ID

The schedule has been posted at: https://ohiostatefair.com/agriculture-livestock/livestock-schedule/

Species department rules, entry info, and exhibitor info/forms can be found at: https://ohiostatefair.com/agriculture-livestock/livestock/

Once updated:

Also, please remind your youth as enrollment season approaches, they MUST be enrolled in the project they want to exhibit at the state fair, even if the county doesn’t offer it at fair (i.e., swine breeding).

Happy Monday! 😊



Elizabeth Share, MS
Extension Specialist, 4-H/Youth Development

Livestock and Food Animal Programs
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
Ohio State University Extension
222 Animal Sciences Bldg, 2029 Fyffe Ct, Columbus, OH 43210
614-292-0589 Office

Window Decorating and Promotion for Ohio 4-H Week

This year, our 4-H window decorating and promotion will take place during Ohio 4-H Week March 6-12th. Your club can participate in a few ways to get information out about our program and how to join!

  1. Promote 4-H by
  • decorating a business window,
  • setting up a 4-H display in a school,
  • promoting 4-H with posters/signs in the community,
  • or promoting 4-H in your own yard!


*You must get permission from the location to set-up and you must also tear it down/clean up at the end of the week (or as long as the location allows).

  1. Send a picture to the Extension office of your 4-H promotion in the County. Also include the name and location address of the business/school you are promoting by March 5th at 11:59 pm. Email – Hughey.28@osu.edu.
  2. Participating clubs will be able to count this in their 2023 Honor Club Application.