State Skillathon

Ohio Youth Skillathon information for VIRTUAL and IN-PERSON sessions is now online at:

  • Rules for both are attached as well as a flyer for virtual skillathons


VIRTUAL Skillathon Registration is due by JUNE 14th, 2021!


A few important notes:

  • Those exhibiting at OSF and want to be eligible for Outstanding Market Exhibitor (OME) awards MUST participate at the IN-PERSON skillathons at the state fair


  • Those exhibiting at OSF and want to be eligible for Outstanding Breeding Exhibitor (OBE) awards MUST participate in the VIRTUAL skillathons online

2021 Skillathon Rules

2021 Virtual Skillathons Flyer

Skillathon Rules and Dates

Mask Update – June 1st

URGENT: Face Masks Update

Effective immediately, June 1, 2021, we have been given university approval to follow local guidance for our statewide campuses with regard to masks.


What this means for OSU Extension, in general:


  • Facemasks are not required to be worn inside or outside at 4-H camp (day or overnight) for ALL employees AND clientele
  • Facemasks are not required to be worn inside or outside at any OSU Extension (including 4-H non-camp) programs and activities for ALL employees AND clientele
  • Face masks are not required to be worn inside or outside at county offices for ALL employees AND clientele
    • Face masks are strongly recommended for those who are not yet fully vaccinated (strongly recommended means the individual chooses to wear a mask or not)


All other health and safety guidance is still in effect, such as physical distancing and sanitizing.


Local guidance (i.e., local health department, local landlord or building requirements, etc.) prevails, if there are more stringent requirements.

Individuals and/or family members may not attend if they or anyone living their household is experiencing any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of sense of taste or smell, or as been directly exposed (confirmed or suspected) to COVID-19 if they are not fully vaccinated.

COVID-19 vaccinations are our best current protection against infection and a fatal outcome. Fully vaccinated individuals are not required to wear a face mask, however we strongly recommend eligible, but unvaccinated, individuals to continue to properly wear a face mask when social distancing cannot be maintained.


A reminder: As the case has been to date, know that these guidelines may be modified at any time if conditions change, and/or if the guidance is not followed, and/or if a local health department issues more stringent requirements.