Hello Portage County 4-H youth needing Quality Assurance!
At the end of this information sheet, you will be directed to fill out a survey to sign-up for the 1 of 3 options for Quality Assurance for the 2021 year. Those who plan to take a market or lactating animal to the Portage County Randolph Fair is required to complete this training by June 1st each year in order to take your animal to the fair. We want to give a huge THANK YOU to the Fair Board for funding the online YQCA option for 2021 which normally costs each youth $12 to complete. This will only be a funded option for 2021 (we will return to it costing each youth $12 to complete in 2022).
The deadline to complete QA is June 1st.
YQCA – Online Option funded by Portage County Fair Board for 2021 Only!
This program is an online, do at your own pace program and is available for all youth. This would normally be a $12 program, but for 2021 only, the Portage County Randolph Fair Board has graciously offered to fund each Portage County youth member wanting to take this program.
You will want to follow the survey below to sign-up for this program. DO NOT go on and sign-up for the YQCA program without first receiving a coupon code. If you take this course and pay for it without using a coupon code, the fair board will not be issuing reimbursements. Coupon codes will be sent out to all who register for this option no later than April 15th.
The survey must be filled out by April 15th in order to receive the coupon code from the Fair Board. Otherwise, families will need to pay for this option after the April 15th deadline.
QA (In Person)
This in person Quality Assurance program is a 1.5-hour program that will be held at the Portage County Randolph Fair.
The dates and times for these are:
- April 25th at 2pm
- May 15th at 10am
You must sign-up at the link below for this option to ensure a spot for this in person Quality Assurance Program.
Test-out Option (In Person)
This will be in person on April 25th at 1pm at the Fair. If this option is selected, please note that if you do not pass the test, one of the other 2 options will need to be completed instead.
Quality Assurance Test Out Guidelines
- All ages are based on a member’s 4-H age (the age that they are as of January 1 of the current year).
- Youth ages 12-14 who pass the test can test out of their annual QA program for up to 3 years. Passing of this test only exempts attendance at QA until the member reaches a 4-H age of 15. At that time, they would take the 15-18 year old test.
- Youth ages 15-18 years of age who pass the QA test can test out of their annual QA program permanently (if they take the test when they are 15, then they would have to test out or take QA their final year at 18 as it is only good for up to 3 years).
What will be on the Quality Assurance Test?
The test will be pulled from a variety of different resources like project resource books, project record books, and the Good Production Practices. The youth member will have the opportunity to choose between large or small animals (we will contact you to see which test you would prefer). We recommend studying your animal project book, focusing on the Quality Assurance section of the book and using the resources below.
You can also use the following references to study:
- Introduction to Quality Assurance
- Good Production Practice 1
- Good Production Practice 2
- Good Production Practice 3
- Good Production Practice 4
- Good Production Practice 5
- Good Production Practice 6
- Good Production Practice 7
- Good Production Practice 8
- Good Production Practice 9
- Good Production Practice 10
Sign-Up for QA
Please follow the survey link to sign-up for the 1 of 3 options for QA this year so that we can be sure everyone has the correct information/codes etc. This survey must be filled out by April 15th in order to receive the coupon code from the Fair Board.