Writing is often seen as a skill to be mastered in school, something like reading and arithmetic. This is odd. In fact, it’s more than odd: it’s quite likely bad for your writing. Writing in any profession–including academia–turns out to be very different from writing in any school–including college and graduate school. The differences are so great that the Chicago writing program was created specifically to help our faculty and graduate students stop writing the way they did in school. This workshop will identify some of the key difficulties that academics face when they write professional academic texts, and will offer techniques for making such texts more successful.
This workshop will be led by Larry McEnerney, the Director of Writing Programs at the University of Chicago. On campus, he teaches and consults for writing with faculty, scholars and scientists of related institutes, and graduate and undergraduate students. Beyond the campus, he consults around the world with universities, institutes, academic societies, governments, professional firms, businesses, and other organizations.