Giving an effective technical or scientific presentation is more than making slides of the figures from your written report and then talking about them! At this seminar, we will discuss the essential differences between giving an oral presentation and writing a document. The secrets are in the stuff you do ahead of time, and in understanding the differences between hearing information and reading it. We will cover how to plan, how to present, and most importantly, how to design your visual aids to get your message across. We will also point out common errors and tell some great horror stories. Finally, we will discuss how to handle the highly stressful question-and-answer period.
Please note, this talk is geared towards STEMM fields and focuses on how to present scientific charts, equations, data, etc.
About the Speaker: Professor Betty Lise Anderson has been at The Ohio State University since 1990. She obtained her Ph.D. in Materials Science and Electrical Engineering at the University of Vermont in 1990 and her MS from there as well in 1988. Anderson started her career as a teacher at an experimental elementary school. She earned a BSEE at Syracuse University in 1978, after which she worked in industry for nine years. Dr. Anderson runs the K12 Engineering Outreach program at Ohio State. She is also currently the Associate Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, a Fellow of the SPIE (Society for Photo-Instrumentation Engineers), and a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the Optical Society of America. In 2006 she was awarded the Outstanding Woman in Technology: TopCAT (Top Contributors to the Advancement of Technology)” by the Columbus Technology Council (Now Tech Columbus).