For Participating Faculty

This program aids faculty members who are looking for postdoctoral scholars to have access to a diverse pool of candidates and facilitate on campus interviews with prospective postdocs who belong to underrepresented groups. At the same time, the program helps prospective postdoctoral researchers and scholars from underrepresented groups find opportunities at Ohio State.

  • We provide a list of participating faculty  to participants and they will be able to learn about their research and get their contact information so they can reach out to prospective advisors.
  • The student participants will be recruited at the Institute for Teaching and Learning (Diverse Faculty and Scholars Recruitment Collaborative)
  • Faculty members who decide to conduct an on campus interview with one of these candidates, can apply to receive up to up to $500 from the OPA to help towards the travel and related expenses. The amount will be half of the cost if it is under $1000 or $500 if the total is equal to or exceeds $1000.
  • We will encourage the selected faculty to include the following events during the interview process:
    • Candidate’s talk about their dissertation work
    • Candidate meeting with the research group
    • Candidate meeting with the OPA
    • Candidate meeting with postdocs from the PDA including postdocs participating in the PAI program at Ohio State
    • Provide a time for the candidate to meet with anyone else they want to meet on campus


Candidates for postdoctoral positions have to:

  • be from an underrepresented group in their discipline, and
  • be a participant in the SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program (Learn more here), or
  • be a participant in SREB-like programs with similar eligibility requirements (can be outside of the SREB geographical region), or
  • be a participant and member of SACNAS