Speak Up, Speak Out!


Speak Up, Speak Out! is a virtual 4-H SPecial INterest (SPIN) club for youth grades 6-12 who want to improve their public speaking skills and overcome their fear. Participants will learn basic speaking skills and the importance of effective verbal and non-verbal communication.


See flyer for details.

Entrepreneur 4-H SPIN Club

Ohio 4-H is proud to partner with Believe in Ohio (https://believeinohio.org/) to kick off a new STEM- based 4-H SPIN club this fall and winter for high school youth.

This club will meet virtually on Thursday from 6:30 – 8:00 pm starting on 10/27 – 12/15 (skipping Thanksgiving).   Youth will learn about the components of an entrepreneurial business plan and create a STEM-based project and pitch video as the final product.  Projects will be eligible for local ($100-500), regional ($1,000) and state ($5,000) based scholarships.  In Spring 2022 not all scholarships were given out.

Youth who participate will be 2023 4-H members in the county they live in.

To participate in the club, sign up using the link below.


Youth can only miss 2 meetings to be eligible for awards. Youth can also submit their project as a self-determined 4-H project in their own county for county based awards and recognition in summer 2023.

All meetings will be recorded.  Youth will work on their STEM business plans with the help of a STEM advocate from Believe in Ohio from 12/15/22 – 1/31/2023.

More information about the scholarships and program can be found here :


If you cannot make the Thursday night meetings, you could also participate on your own as an independent student, but would not receive the support of the STEM Advocates, and learning with other 4-H members.


Greene County 4-H Art of Speaking SPIN Club


The Art of Speaking is the newest SPIN club from the programming partnership between Butler, Greene and Hamilton Counties. This state-wide SPIN club is designed for all youth in third grade and beyond.

Youth will learn: the art of public speaking, giving demonstrations, speech writing, proper gesturing and body movements, interviewing, poster-making and how to effectively present materials, and how to speak in leadership roles.

Dates for all 6 classes in 2021:  4/14, 4/21, 4/28, 5/5, 5/12, 5/19

3:30 – 4:30 pm

Register Here: https://go.osu.edu/artofspeaking

Parents/Guardians are responsible for maintaining care, custody, and control of their minor(s) and are responsible for monitoring the activities their child is participating in. If you have a disability and have questions about accessibility or wish to request accommodations, please contact Emily Kahrs at Kahrs.7@osu.edu

Upcoming 4-H SPIN Club: Vibein to the 80’s

Join me in helping to present this new and fun upcoming 4-H SPIN club.

Vibein to the 80s 4-H SPIN club will be covering life skills.  Life skills relevant THEN and how they’ve evolved to NOW!  This will be so fun.

Youth will learn the following skills: nutrition, laundry, achieving the right “look” for a professional setting, financial management, home maintenance, and correspondence.

Register at www.go.osu.edu/spinskills


Cloverbud SPIN Club

This special interest club is open to any Cloverbud age youth (age 5 and in K through age 8).  We will learn about the 4-H program while exploring healthy lifestyles, earth/environment, citizenship, plants and animals, consumerism and family science, science and technology, personal development, and expressive arts.  Attend 8 of the 9 sessions to complete this 4-H club.

See flyer for all details

Let’s Start Cooking 4-H SPIN Club

Interested in learning how to prepare healthy snacks and learning how to cook? If so, register now for this fun 6-week 4-H SPIN Club, starting September 17! Let’s Start Cooking!

This begins Thursday, September 17.  You can pick either 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. OR 4:30-5:30 p.m.  This is perfect if you are doing distance learning or in person learning this fall!  We have a time for both of you.

Join me in helping to lead this session!

Environmental Leadership Virtual 4-H SPIN Club

Don’t forget!  This starts next week (and Rebecca is helping to lead it!)

Please join me.

Are you interested in learning about the connection between the environment and science, politics, human rights, and social justice?

Join Hamilton, Butler and Greene County 4-H for a six week Special Interest (SPIN) club on Tuesdays at 1:00 PM. From July 14, 2020 to August 18, 2020 you will meet virtually to dig into these topics and learn how you can use your hands, heart, head, and health to improve your community, county, and your world.

Registration closes on July 7!

This club is designed for youth age 13 and up. Some material covered in this club may not be age appropriate for younger youth.

You can register here: https://go.osu.edu/environmentalleadership


Environmental Leadership SPIN Club offered by Hamilton, Butler and Greene County 4-H

Are you interested in learning about the connection between the environment and science, politics, human rights, and social justice?

Join Hamilton, Butler and Greene County 4-H for a six week Special Interest (SPIN) club on Tuesdays at 1:00 PM. From July 14, 2020 to August 18, 2020 you will meet virtually to dig into these topics and learn how you can use your hands, heart, head, and health to improve your community, county, and your world.

Registration closes on July 7!

This club is designed for youth age 13 and up. Some material covered in this club may not be age appropriate for younger youth.

You can register here: https://go.osu.edu/environmentalleadership


Another Awesome SPIN Club Opportunity

Join Hamilton County 4-H Volunteer Dean Rettig for the “Investigating Electricity” Virtual Special Interest (SPIN) Club!

Dates: Tuesday & Thursdays June 2, 2020- June 18, 2020

Times: 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Session 1

  • Introduction
  • Going back and forth (galvanometer – AC vs DC)

Session 2

  • The Electric Detective’s Most Important Tool  (Intro to Multi-Meter / volt-ohm meter
  • To Flow or Not To Flow (conductors vs insulators

Session 3

  • Ohm’s Law  (water bottle / garden hose demo)
  • Decoding Circuit diagrams   (Into to Circuit diagrams)

Session 4

  • Case of the Series Circuit – measuring voltages across items in series circuit
  • Case of the Parallel Circuit

Session 5

  • Circuit Sense – more complicated circuits diagrams
  • Short Circuits

Session 6

  • Making a 3-way switch

Equipment List:

Amazon Wish List:

  • Volt/Ohm meter aka Multi-meter
  • AA or D batteries
  • battery holder
  • paper clips
  • 22 or 24 gauge wire
  • compass
  • cardboard
  • flashlight bulb
  • bulb holder

REGISTER HERE: https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_beLF8Kl32cA7AEt