Foodscaping in Ohio

Join us Thursday, March 4, 2021 at 6:30 PM via Zoom for Foodscaping in Ohio

Foodscaping is a modern term for the practice of integrating edible plants into ornamental landscapes. This program will inspire attendees to think creatively about planting veggies! Learn how to pair edibles with the best flowering perennials for your region.

Brie Arthur is a celebrated speaker and bestselling author and is known for her leadership with the suburban Foodscape movement and her lively, information packed presentations. A recipient of an American Horticultural Society Award, Brie studied landscape design at Purdue University. She has worked as a grower and propagator for leading nurseries and her passions center on sustainable land management and promoting the value of gardening across the US.

Click here to register

Conifers for Today’s Gardens

Conifers that change color… Conifers that require no pruning… Conifers for shady areas?  Join us to look at a brief description and cultural requirements for conifers.  Plus, a look at some of the many new varieties and where to find them..

Bob Iiames, Jr. is a member of the American Conifer Society, Ohio Valley North American Rock Garden Society, and is past president of the Miami Valley Hosta Society. Bob has provided continuing education to many Ohio and Indiana, Master Gardener Volunteers, as well as Miami Valley Green Industry Professionals.  He has spoken to numerous garden clubs, plant societies, the Great Lakes Region Hardy Plant Society, the Federation of Garden Clubs, Ohio Association of Garden Clubs, local garden centers, and at Hosta College.

This program will be presented via Zoom on Thursday, February 18. 2021 at 6:30 PM

Cost: $7.00

Register at:


For a schedule of upcoming programs including Brie Arthur (Foodscaping) and Amy Steward (The Drunken Botanist) go to under Master Gardener, upcoming events and programs or click here:

Backyard Vegetable Gardening – Fall Gardening Made Easy: Extend the Season

Fall Gardening Made Easy: Extend the Season

Join us Saturday, September 26th, 10:00 – 11:00 A.M.

The second session will cover growing a fall vegetable garden with an eye on spring. Learn how a fall planting of spinach and garlic earlier can produce a more productive spring harvest. We will discuss fall planting under row covers to protect and continue growing after frost kills the warm season vegetables. Learn to construct a porch size version for leafy greens all winter.

Register Here

Wildlife: Guest or Pest Coping with Canada Geese

September 17, 2020 6:30–7:30 p.m.

The wildlife in your backyard can be a welcome sight for some or a landscape nightmare for others. Join the OSU Extension Greene County
Master Gardeners Volunteers for a look at some of the visitors that make you wonder, who’s backyard is it anyhow!

Dealing with unwanted guest. Coping With Canada Geese

Canada goose populations in communities and urban areas can cause conflict and damage. Learn strategies and management options to cope with Canada geese in this webinar. Marne Titchenell Wildlife Program Specialist, with OSU Extension. She works to provide a variety of  educational programs, workshops, conferences, and publications centered on wildlife ecology and biology, habitat management for wildlife, and managing nuisance wildlife species.

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