4-H Achievement Form Workshop


This fall, Teen Leadership Council will be hosting a virtual Achievement Form Workshop for 4-H members statewide!

  • October 2, 2022 (6:30-8:00 p.m. on Zoom): An informational session will be held, providing a basic overview of the Achievement Form, giving introductory tips for completion, and sharing about potential opportunities available to members who complete and submit their forms.
    • Must register at https://go.osu.edu/AchForm2022 by September 30 to receive Zoom information for the workshop.
    • This session will be recorded for those who cannot attend in live-time.

2021 Achievement Form Workshop

This fall, Teen Leadership Council will again be hosting two different Achievement Form Workshops for 4-H members statewide!


  • October 3, 2021 (6:00-8:00 p.m. on Zoom): An informational session will be held, providing a basic overview of the Achievement Form, giving introductory tips for completion, and sharing about potential opportunities available to members who complete and submit their forms.
    • Must register at go.osu.edu/AchForm2021 by October 1 to receive Zoom information for the workshop.
    • This session will be recorded for those who cannot attend in live-time.


  • November 7, 2021 (5:00-7:00 p.m. at Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center): A more in-depth session will be offered for those who have completed or made significant progress on their form; small group coaching will be available for members to receive personalized feedback.
    • Must register at go.osu.edu/AchForm2021 by November 4.
    • This session will only be hosted in person and will not be recorded.


More information can also be found at go.osu.edu/TLC.

4-H Achievement Form Workshop

Are you interested in attending and participating in a state 4-H trip?  Are you looking for scholarships?  Youth need to complete the Ohio 4-H Achievement Form to do this.  It is never too early to start!

Teen Leadership Council will again be hosting two different Achievement Form Workshops for 4-H members statewide!

  • October 7, 2020 (7:00-9:00 p.m. on Zoom): An informational session will be held, providing a basic overview of the Achievement Form, giving introductory tips for completion, and sharing about potential opportunities available to members who complete and submit their forms.


  • November 14, 2020 (5:30-7:30 p.m. on Zoom): A more in-depth session will be offered for those who have completed or made significant progress on their form; small group coaching will be available for members to receive personalized feedback.


Achievement Award, Scholarship, and Trip Workshop- Fri. Dec. 27!

Do you want to apply for trips or award opportunities?  Are you looking for some scholarships?

Then don’t miss this opportunity.  You need to fill out an Ohio 4-H Achievement Award for these opportunities.  We will have an opportunity to work on these forms.  We can answer any questions, provide suggestions, and offer feedback.

Bring your rough draft of your form so we can help!

This is a great opportunity to finish your trip application, Ohio Achievement Record, and get a head start on scholarship applications.

The completed forms are due to our office by Friday, January 31 at the latest.

Ohio Achievement Award, Trip & Scholarship Workshop

Do you want to apply for trips or award opportunities?  Are you looking for some scholarships?

Then don’t miss this opportunity.  You need to fill out an Ohio 4-H Achievement Award for these opportunities.  We will have an opportunity to work on these forms.  We can answer any questions, provide suggestions, and offer feedback.

This is a great opportunity to finish your trip application, Ohio Achievement Record, and get a head start on scholarship applications.

The completed forms are due to our office by Friday, January 31 at the latest.

4-H Achievement Awards

Don’t forget to apply for 4-H trips, scholarships, and more by completing achievement awards.

All youth ages 14 and up should consider applying for consideration for the Ohio 4-H Achievement Award winners.  Youth in grades 7-9 would be eligible for Leadership Washington Focus.  High school age youth are eligible for Citizenship Washington Focus.  The same application is used for the achievement award consideration and scholarships.

Applications are due Feb. 1 at the latest.

For a description of trips, please click here. 

For the trip and scholarship application, please click here.  You will be able to open this in a word document.


4-H Trip and Scholarship Application

Are you interested in applying for a 4-H trip?  There are several opportunities including Leadership Washington Focus, Citizenship Washington Focus, Leadership Camp, or Ohio Forestry Camp.  There are also state opportunities including State Jr. Fair Board, and OTA Local Government Award to name a few.

The same application is used for county scholarships.

Trip and scholarship applications are due to our office by February 1.  

The link for the trip application is the Ohio 4-H Achievement Record.  Click here

The cover page for scholarships is posted here.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Ohio 4-H Achievement Form Workshop

We’re hosting a FREE achievement form workshop again this year, with some minor changes! We will have TWO options, with the first (covering basic information about form completion) will be Saturday, September 15, 2018, 5:00-7:00 p.m. at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center.

4-H members completing the achievement form, AND 4-H professionals/parents/advisors who want to learn more should attend!

We are going to try to offer a Zoom (virtual) option! If you are interested in this, please RSVP by 9/10/18 to epley.24@osu.edu to receive log in information.

(The 2nd workshop will be for more advanced completion with coaching / one on one sessions on already started forms and will be held November 10, 2018 from 1-2:30 p.m.)

Please remember these are the forms that Greene County uses for scholarships, trips, and more. This is also the same form for additional opportunities at the state level!

Let us know if you have questions or if you want to set up a time to work on this together.

Ohio Achievement Form Workshop!

We’re hosting a FREE achievement form workshop again this year, with some minor changes! We will have TWO date options, with the first (covering basic information about form completion) will be Saturday, September 15, 2018, 5:00-7:00 p.m. at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center.

4-H members completing the achievement form, AND 4-H professionals/parents/advisors who want to learn more should attend!

We are going to try to offer a Zoom (virtual) option! If you are interested in this, please RSVP by 9/10/18 to epley.24@osu.edu to receive log in information.

(The 2nd workshop will be for more advanced completion with coaching / one on one sessions on already started forms and will be held November 10, 2018 from 1-2:30 p.m.)

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity!  This application is used for state awards, scholarships, and trip opportunities!