Join Our Team as an ANR Program Assistant

Check out the description below for position highlights and how to apply

Position highlights:

The primary role of the program assistant in Greene County is to provide participants and stakeholders with research-backed information that will better their lives.  This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Provide program coordination for the Master Gardener Volunteer (MGV) program
  • serve as the first point of contact for homeowner horticulture questions and provide leadership to the MGV Hotline.
  • Assist with ANR program activities by supporting, planning, organizing, and conducting ANR programs, helping to develop educational materials, presentations, and resources, assisting local research, and providing administrative support.
  • Assisting in identifying community needs and providing information or programming to address them.
  • Leading programs consistent with the AA/EEO policy of OSU Extension, the outreach arm of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.

How to Apply:

Visit: and search for job #R105235 Extension Educators Coordinator 3 to view the complete position description and to apply. Note position is 32 hours/week

Application Deadline is July 7, 2024


Backyard Poultry Certificate Course

Backyard Poultry Marketing Flyer To access the course head to: 

For a variety of reasons, there is an increase in interest in keeping backyard poultry. Backyard flocks provide the opportunity for people in rural and urban areas alike to produce tasty eggs and meat for personal and family food security. You might want egg layers. You might want to raise meat birds for a harvest in your freezer. You might even have a youth interested in raising chickens for their 4-H or FFA project, as these lower maintenance livestock can be kept in a fraction of the space for a fraction of the cost when compared to other species.

Whatever your reason for raising poultry, this course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and resources you will need to get your backyard flock off to a great start.

This self-paced course is expected to take 2-3 hours to complete and includes the following 6 modules:

  • Getting Started
  • Brooding, Basic Husbandry & Nutrition
  • Housing
  • Egg Production
  • Maximizing Health
  • Biosecurity

Ohio Victory Gardens Seeds Available

The packages of seeds have arrived in our office. Come in to pick up a packet! Office hours are Monday – Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Victory Gardens have a historical significance in our country, an effort to plant fruits, vegetables, and herbs during challenging times to contribute to the cause. The Ohio Department of Agriculture and OSU Extension are reviving the movement – join in and start planting!

Take the survey on the bag of the package for a chance to win!  #OhioVictoryGardens

GCCC UAS Precision Agricultural Services

The Greene County Career Center is offering remote sensing precision agricultural services as part of the Drone and UAS Technology lab.
The Drone & UAS Technology free services include data collection and processing from students using enterprise software such as Pix4Dmapper and Pix4Dfields which can easily integrate with GIS software such as ArcMap or QGIS.
All products can be viewed from a Windows PC or Mac without any special software and can provide a stable, historical dataset in an ever-changing climate.

• All data from the multispectral and RGB sensors would be readily accessible to the farmers and can be used for scouting and management purposes.
• The program has commercial aircraft such as the fixed-wing SenteraPHX that can cover 700 acres in one battery and the M300 RTK, a quadcopter, boasting a 55 minutes of flight time
• Generated prescription maps allow customizable variable rate and spot spraying maps with DJI spray drones and John Deere tractors

Contact Chris Rieser (Drone/UAS Instructor) at 937-372-6941 x 2210 or crieser@greeneccc.comfor details.

OSU Extension Greene County On-farm Research Meeting

Would you like to answer your questions and get involved with local on-farm research? Have ideas and suggestions to share?
Join us in this informal meeting where we will discuss ideas and projects for local on-farm research in Greene County!

Date: Monday, March 18, 2024

Time: 6 PM

Address: 100 Fairgrounds Rd, Xenia, OH 45385

No registration is required. Contact Marina Miquilini at or 937-736-7205 for details.

OSU Extension On farm research in Greene


Ohio Cropland Values and Rents Survey 2023-2024

Please, help us filling the Ohio Cropland Values and Rents Survey 2023-2024. Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents Short Survey 2024 (1)

You can bring the hard copy to the extension office, or there is also an online survey option at:

You can also access the online survey through this QR code:

Ohio Farmland Leasing Update

Providing economic and legal updates on Ohio farmland leasing issues and needs.

DATE: March 1, 2024
TIME: 10:00 a.m. -Noon
Via ZOOM Webinar

To register, visit 

Topics we’ll cover include:

  • Cash Rent Outlook –Key Issues and Survey Data
  • Negotiating Capital Improvements on Leased Farmland
  • Dealing with Conservation Practices in a Farmland Lease
  • Executing and Recording Farm Leases
  • New Farmland Leasing Resources


  • Barry Ward, Leader, OSU Production Business Management
  • Peggy Hall, Attorney, OSU Ag & Resource Law Program
  • Robert Moore, Attorney, OSU Ag & Resource Law Program

Farmland Leasing Update Webinar 2024