Shooting Sports Spring Instructor Workshop

The Spring Shooting Sports Workshop at Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp is now open. We are seeking new and current instructors to join us for a weekend full of learning, connection building, fun and much more to prepare them with updated teaching practices and policies to take to their county program! Passing along the information to your Shooting Sports Volunteers is greatly appreciated. Attached is a flyer you can send out or share. The registration link is below.

The workshop is April 4-6 and the registration deadline is March 3. You can find information about this workshop on the state 4-H Shooting sports page (see link below). Junior Leaders are welcome to attend this workshop.

Spring Into 4-H

Save the Date! March 5 from 5pm-7pm at the Extension Office

Our Spring into 4-H showcase is your 4-H Club’s chance to share a hands-on activity with potential new members and families!

Contact the Extension Office to reserve your space and identify your activity – what great leadership and community service this would be!


Poultry Quality Assurance at Dayton Fancy Feathers Spring Poultry Show


SAVE THE DATE  – Ohio 4-H Poultry Quality Assurance will be presented during the Dayton Fancy Feathers’ Spring Poultry Show in Greenville, OH on April 26

For those exhibiting in the JUNIOR Show and/or Showmanship contest, this Quality Assurance training will be a great chance to get this important training checked off your to-do list.