GCCC UAS Precision Agricultural Services

The Greene County Career Center is offering remote sensing precision agricultural services as part of the Drone and UAS Technology lab.
The Drone & UAS Technology free services include data collection and processing from students using enterprise software such as Pix4Dmapper and Pix4Dfields which can easily integrate with GIS software such as ArcMap or QGIS.
All products can be viewed from a Windows PC or Mac without any special software and can provide a stable, historical dataset in an ever-changing climate.

• All data from the multispectral and RGB sensors would be readily accessible to the farmers and can be used for scouting and management purposes.
• The program has commercial aircraft such as the fixed-wing SenteraPHX that can cover 700 acres in one battery and the M300 RTK, a quadcopter, boasting a 55 minutes of flight time
• Generated prescription maps allow customizable variable rate and spot spraying maps with DJI spray drones and John Deere tractors

Contact Chris Rieser (Drone/UAS Instructor) at 937-372-6941 x 2210 or crieser@greeneccc.comfor details.