Ohio 4-H Pathways Launches Work Ethic Certification for Ohio High School Students

The MRW Work Ethic Certification focuses on the 12 statements of the S.W.E.A.T. Pledge. Each statement has a story, and each story comes from Mike’s personal experience working with entrepreneurs and hardworking people across the country. Through this program, we break down the origin of each statement in 12 lessons and explore why we believe every student and worker can benefit from embracing this pledge, regardless of their job or skill set.

The MRW Work Ethic Certification will be offered virtually beginning September 18. Participants must be able to attend all sessions to be eligible to receive the certification.

The registration deadline is September 8, and the program is limited to 20 participants.

To learn more about the MRW Work Ethic Certification, https://go.osu.edu/mrwworkethic.

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