Attention All Beef Exhibitors: Please Read

Dear 4-H and FFA Market Beef Exhibitors:

Enclosed you will find information concerning the 2019/2020 Greene County 4-H and FFA market beef program.

Market steers and market heifer weigh-in will be held on Saturday, December 14, 2019 at the Greene County Fairgrounds, starting at 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.

All market beef projects (market steers, market heifers, scramble calves and dairy market steers) must be secured, weighed and ear tagged at this time to be eligible to show at the 2020 Greene County Fair. Also at this time, the Beef Committee must be notified of any market animals that are being raised as “homegrown” market animals.

All youth must weigh-in at county weigh-in to be eligible to show at the Ohio State Fair.

Market animals, including State Fair exhibitors, must be secured, weighed and ear tagged by the Greene County 4-H and FFA Beef Committee on the first Saturday in December. All market steers or market heifers planning to be entered in the Ohio State Fair will need to have a DNA hair sample turned into the Ohio State Fair office by January

  1. THIS IS NOT A POST MARK DATE! Youth interested must contact Stacey French, The Ohio State Fair, 717 East 17th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43211 to receive information on how to take this DNA sample. Her phone number is 614-644-409 and email is to request information. This must be signed by our office if a 4-H project or your FFA instructor if this is a FFA project prior to this date. we will not have the materials needed here at the County Extension Office.

Project requirements: Additional requirements will be in the Greene County Fair Book. You can also link to this book from our website at

Project Permitted to Weigh-in Show
Market Steers 3 3
Scramble Steer 1 1
Dairy Steers 3 3
Market Heifers 3 3
  • Beef Steers or heifers should weigh at least 400lbs and dairy steers should weigh at least 550lbs as of weigh-in on December 14,
  • No bull claves will be
  • Dairy steers must be 100% dairy selected from the following breeds: Holstein, Brown Swiss, Ayrshire, or a cross between these. The Beef Committee reserves the right to reject any animals of questionable heritage at the December weigh-in. If any animal is rejected by the committee, them member will be given one week to secure a new calf and bring it back to the fairground to weigh-in. A second rejection is elimination from the
  1. There will be a $10.00 tag in fee per market animal being weighed in at December weigh-in. All checks should be made payable to: Greene County 4-H and FFA Beef
  2. All beef animals must weigh at least 900 pounds at the Saturday weigh-in of fair, in order to sell at the Junior Fair Sale
  3. Market animals that are not selling and breeding animals will be released after the completion of the show on Thursday but MUST be taken home by noon on Exhibitors need to leave stalls area presentable: manure, hay, feed, trash, etc., need to be removed. Mulch can be left. This is to avoid wrong animals being loaded onto the livestock trailer during and after the market beef sale.
  4. Copies of the Beef Barn rules will be given to each family at weigh-in. We are asking that a member of the family sign an acknowledgement that they received a copy at that time. We have updated and revised some rules and want to make sure that everyone is informed. Rules will also be on display during fair week for review.

New for 2020!

  • New date for Feeder Calf Show! The feeder calf show will take place on Saturday, August 8, 2020

Any beef exhibitor needing advise or guidance dealing with selection, raising and preparation for fair or showing should contact the Greene County Extension Office or a Greene County 4-H and FFA Beef Committee member. The extension office will provide names of committee members and their phone number upon request.

We hope to see you on Saturday, December 14.


Rebecca Supinger                                                    Brenda Sandman-Stover

4-H Youth Development                                         4-H Youth Development

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