We’re hosting a FREE achievement form workshop again this year, with some minor changes! We will have TWO options, with the first (covering basic information about form completion) will be Saturday, September 15, 2018, 5:00-7:00 p.m. at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center.
4-H members completing the achievement form, AND 4-H professionals/parents/advisors who want to learn more should attend!
We are going to try to offer a Zoom (virtual) option! If you are interested in this, please RSVP by 9/10/18 to epley.24@osu.edu to receive log in information.
(The 2nd workshop will be for more advanced completion with coaching / one on one sessions on already started forms and will be held November 10, 2018 from 1-2:30 p.m.)
Please remember these are the forms that Greene County uses for scholarships, trips, and more. This is also the same form for additional opportunities at the state level!
Let us know if you have questions or if you want to set up a time to work on this together.