Sign Up Now for the “Unwrap Your Gifts” Email Wellness Challenge

Are you interested in improving your wellness by exploring: gratitude, traditional foods with a twist, sustainability, self-care, and more – all wrapped up with new gift ideas? Join Ohio State University Extension for the “Unwrap Your Gifts” 6-week email wellness challenge to learn more about these and other wellness topics.


Join the “Super Powers for a Super You!” Wellness Challenge Now!

Challenge Dates: April 9 – May 21, 2018

Two weekly e-mails will be sent directly to you from your local OSU Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Professional.

Participants will learn about:

  • Your Super Strengths
  • Super Foods
  • Healthy Ways to Slay the Villains that Distract You
  • Tips for Adding Activity into your Routine
  • Refocus on Your Wellness Goals
  • Mindfulness
  • Power Fitness Focus
  • Overcoming Setbacks

What does it cost? Nothing – it is free!

Who can participate? Any adult with an email account.

How do I sign up? Go to

Registration will close on April 9, 2018.

Sponsored by Ohio State University Extension.

Unleash Your Superpowers with a Wellness Challenge

Your superpowers may be known to you, but for a variety of reasons you have put them away. Or they might be buried down deep and you will have to do some personal excavating to dig them out. During this challenge, we will help you explore a variety of ways to bring them to the surface, but realize that might necessitate you getting out of your comfort zone.

Sign up for the Super Powers for a Super You!   Challenge at: