Specialty Crop Webinar Series

Ohio State University Extension in Warren County is offering a webinar series as a replacement for the 2021 Southern Ohio Specialty Crop Conference which was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Registration is free, but is required to get access to the zoom.

Monday, February 1, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
Tips for Managing Pumpkins, Sweet Corn and Invasive Pests
Presenter: Jim Jasinski, Ohio State University Extension, IPM Program Coordinator

Tuesday, February 2, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
Fresh Ohio Strawberries at Thanksgiving and Christmas?
Presenter: Brad Bergefurd, OSU Extension, South Centers

Wednesday, February 3, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
No “Wining”—Just Growing Grapes & Brambling Along Too!
Presenter: Erik Draper, OSU Extension, Geauga County

FLYER and Class Descriptions

Southern Ohio Specialty Crop Conference

Image result for don't miss out

There is still space available at the Southern Ohio Specialty Crop Conference. Space is limited. Register now to avoid being shut out.

Private Applicator pesticide and fertilizer recertification credits for Core, categories 3 & 5 plus fertilizer (category 15).


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Registration is now open for this annual and newly expanded event.

The ​Southern Ohio ​Specialty ​Crop ​Conference ​is ​the ​most ​diverse ​training ​opportunity ​for ​specialty ​crop ​growers ​in ​Southern ​Ohio. ​An ​a ​la ​carte ​menu ​of ​classes ​allows ​participants ​to ​pick ​and ​choose ​throughout ​the ​day, ​finding ​topics ​that ​interest ​them ​most. ​Pesticide ​credits ​are ​available ​for ​Core, ​Category ​3 ​(Fruits ​& ​Vegetables) ​and ​Category ​5 ​(Greenhouse).

​A ​continental ​breakfast, ​buffet ​lunch ​and ​USB ​memory ​stick ​with ​all ​of ​the ​available ​conference ​handouts ​are ​included ​as ​a ​part ​of ​your ​registration ​fee. ​ ​

For online registration, visit go.osu.edu/swohfvsc,
or call the office to request a conference registration form to submit by mail.