What exactly are those judges looking for? What makes a tomato or flower win a blue ribbon? What makes a jar of pickles a blue ribbon jar of pickles, just ask Clara from the “Andy Griffith Show”? Who doesn’t like a little friendly competition?
Join Kim Chamberland and Susan Givler, OSU Extension, Clermont County Master Gardener Volunteers, participants and former judges with Clermont County resident and participant, Betsy Anderson as they present on displaying your prize winning floral arrangements, horticulture crops, canned goods, and more. They plan to give you the tips, tricks, and secrets to providing your best display.
All are welcome to join these past participants, judges and blue ribbon winners on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 at 7pm in the 4-H Hall of the Clermont County Fairgrounds (1000 Locust Street, Owensville OH), as they give some tips and share ideas on “How to Win a Blue Ribbon at the County Fair.”
There are more than just crops, flowers, and canned goods that can be shown during fair week, July 23-29, 2017, visit the Clermont County Fair website at clermontcountyfair.org for additional information, schedules, registration and rules.
If you are not from Clermont County, you are welcome to attend but visit your local county Agricultural Society for more information about events being hosted during your county fair.
RSVP by clicking here or calling 513-732-7070.