Find Your SPARK in Clermont County 4-H

There are more than 200 projects in the Ohio 4-H Family Guide, You can find your spark in everything from archery to computers, genealogy to money management, pigs to weather.

Enroll in Clermont County 4-H TODAY!!!

Clermont County has nearly forty 4-H clubs, specializing in home economics, leadership, shooting sports and animal science. Through individual and group projects, 4-H instills integrity, service, leadership and personal growth in youth.

To be a 4-H member, a child must be age 8 and in the third grade. For younger children (age 5 and in Kindergarten), Clermont County offers a program called 4-H Cloverbuds.  Cloverbuds participate in non-competitive activities exploring a variety of fun, hands on interest areas.  Accommodations can be made for youth with disabilities through our Winning 4-H Plan.

To learn more about 4-H or to find a club in your area and advisor contact information, please visit our website, or contact Kelly Royalty,  4-H Youth Development Educator, at 513-732-7070 or email

4-H In-Person Meetings & Events Guidelines Updated

As we begin the new year, the Ohio 4-H Planning Guide for In-Person Meetings & Events has been updated to reflect current guidance from Ohio State University and health officials. Beginning SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 2021, the following is in effect:

  • Hosting virtual meetings and events is preferred
  • If activities are critical/essential and are in-person, they must be education-focused
  • Group cannot be larger than 50 people, including adults, youth, presenters, etc.
  • Social distancing must be maintained.  To provide six feet of physical distance between individuals, the occupancy of meeting spaces must be decreased by half
  • Face masks are required inside and outside at all times
  • Potlucks and buffets are not permitted

Any time a county is designated a Level 4 Public Health Emergency (color-coded purple) or is approaching purple (red with an asterisk) by the Ohio Department of Health, all in-person 4-H
club meetings and events must be held virtually or postponed until the designation changes to Level 3 or below. On January 14, Clermont County was designated as “approaching purple.”  Therefore, all 4-H meeting and events must remain virtual until our county designation lowers.

Find details and updated guidelines at  Ohio 4-H Planning Guide for In-Person Meetings & Events