Quality Assurance

  • 12-14-year-old and 15-18-year-old 4-H and FFA members may test out of their annual quality assurance (QA) program
  • Tests are given based on age group and large or small animals shown
  • These ages are as of January 1, 2024 – a youth’s 4-H age.
  • Youth ages 12-14 who pass the QA test can test out of their annual QA program for up to 3 years.
  • Youths ages 15-18 years who pass the QA test can test out of their annual QA program permanently.

All exhibitors in the following categories must complete an approved QA program in Ohio County before June 1 of the current year to compete at the Clermont County Junior Fair or the Ohio State Fair.

  • lactating dairy cattle (cows NOT heifers)
  • lactating dairy goats (goats that are producing milk, even if they are in their dry phase)
  • market beef (steer or heifer), NOT beef or dairy feeder calves
  • market goats
  • market hogs
  • market lambs
  • market poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese)
  • market rabbits (NOT breeding or fancy)

Have your voice heard across the nation!

Four Days Left to Impact Millions of Learners!

Don’t miss your chance to respond to and share The National Career Clusters® Framework National Implementation Survey!

With your input, we can achieve our vision for the future of the Framework to be a common language to bridge education and work, empowering each learner to explore, decide and prepare for dynamic and evolving careers.

Take 10 minutes to respond and share the link with your colleagues and Career Technical Education partners!


The National Career Clusters® Framework National Implementation Survey closes December 1 – don’t miss the opportunity to provide input on the Framework use for today & the future. Findings and future actions will be shared in 2024. Respond today:


2023 Quality Assurance Deadline – June 1

Not much time remains on completing your Quality Assurance training to be eligible to compete and participate in the 2023 Clermont County Junior Fair. June 1 is the deadline!

  1. Complete your training at this location. https://yqcaprogram.org/login/index.php

  2. Then email the certificate to neal.331@osu.edu

If you are not sure or want to double check. Login to 4-H Online. Click on trainings and look for the 2022-2023 Quality Assurance on your list. FFA only members will NOT appear on this list. If you are still not sure, contact 513-732-7070 for assistance.

Assuring Quality Care for Animals (QA) Test Out Option

February 20, 2023, from 9a to 3p at the OSU Extension Office

  • 12-14-year-old and 15-18-year-old 4-H and FFA members may test out of their annual quality assurance (QA) program
  • Test are given based on age group and large or small animal shown
  • These ages are as of January 1, 2023 – a youth’s 4-H age.
  • Youth ages 12-14 who pass the QA test can test out of their annual QA program for up to 3 years.
  • Youth ages 15-18 years who pass the QA test can test out of their annual QA program permanently.

All exhibitors in the following categories must complete an approved QA program in an Ohio County before June 1 of the current year to compete at the Clermont County Junior Fair or the Ohio State Fair.

  • lactating dairy cattle (cows NOT heifers)
  • lactating dairy goats (goats that are producing milk, even if they are in their dry phase)
  • market beef (steer or heifer) NOT feeder calves
  • market goats
  • market hogs
  • market lambs
  • market poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese)
  • market rabbits (NOT breeding or fancy)

Youth Quality Assurance

Quality assurance is a pledge or promises to 1) provide a food animal product preferred by consumers, and 2) provide a safe, wholesome food animal product. Food animals are those whose products (meat, milk, and eggs) have the potential to become part of the food chain.

Food safety is paramount to animal agriculture, assuring consumer acceptance and confidence in a market where competing proteins and other alternatives are emerging, rivaling food products of animal origin. Furthermore, issues surrounding animal welfare in agricultural livestock production have surfaced that must be addressed at all levels of food animal production, including youth participation in food animal projects.

Youth involved in food animal exhibitions, by definition, are food animal producers. Youth food animal producers, at the culmination of the project, will sell their animal(s) and food products which are intended for human consumption.

Knowledge and mastery of the science of genetics, nutrition, management, handling, and environment in relation to the youth’s food animal projects play a critical role in the success of producing safe and wholesome food products for consumers. Therefore, the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) mandates that all youth exhibiting food animal projects participate annually in quality assurance programming. OSU Extension provides the leadership for implementing quality assurance programs, in partnership with agricultural education and agricultural societies.

Youth who take food animal projects, by participating in science-based experiential learning activities, learn how to ensure that the products from their 4-H food animals are safe for consumers and that their actions inspire the general public and consumer confidence in assuring well-cared-for animals and quality products.