Bake-It Contest

Pull out grandmas best recipes and start baking for the 2024 Bake-It Contest! No need to pre-register, just bring your entries to the Multi-Purpose Building between 9:00-11:30a.m. on Thursday, July 25. Awards will be presented immediately following judging at 4:00 p.m. Be sure to the check the Bake-It classes as some have changed to better align with the Senior Fair classes.

This year, a overall winner will be selected for each division, in addition to the Best of Show. The division winners and Best of Show winner will have the opportunity to sell their baked goods in the Senior Fair Pie and Cake Auction on Thursday evening at 6:00p.m. We look forward to seeing all of your creativity and delicious treats at the Bake-It Contest.

2024 Bake-It Contest


4-H STEM Challenge

Join us for some engineering fun at the 4-H STEM Challenge! The event will be held on Tuesday, July 23, at 2p.m. in the 4-H Hall. We are planning the event to be for teams of two, so find a friend and get registered today! To help us prepare for the event, please register by noon on Monday of fair week. The 4-H STEM Challenge is sponsored by Clear Mountain Energy Center.

4-H STEM Challenge Registration


REMINDER! General Project and Club Flower Display Check-In

4-H General Project and Club Flower Display Check-In will occur Thursday, July 18, from 3:00-7:00 p.m. in the 4-H Hall. All projects must be checked-in during this time, except clothing projects, which will be checked in immediately following the 4-H Style Revue on Saturday, July 20. Clothing projects are the only projects that will be checked in on Saturday!

Club flower displays must be set up and checked-in by 7p.m. in the 4-H Hall. There will be a map for clubs to designate where their display is located on the fairgrounds, and will need to fill-out a scoresheet. Flower displays must be ready for judging by 7p.m.

2024 Ceil Bee Scholarship Application

Ceil Bee retired in 2006 after being one of the Fair’s strongest supporters and chair of many committees and projects over the years.  This scholarship in her honor is a tribute to her dedicated commitment and service to the Bakery & Pantry Department. The application deadline has been extended to Friday, July 19.

Ceil Bee Scholarship Application

OSU Fair Events

There is so much to experience during the Clermont County Fair!  OSU Extension hosts a variety of events throughout the week, so be sure to check out the Pre-Fair and Fair Week Events packet for all of the details, guidelines and registration links.

2024 Pre-Fair and Fair Week Events


Companion Animal Project Judging Registration

Companion Animal Project Judging consists of a one-on-one interview with a project judge.  Members will have 15 minutes to share their 4-H project with a judge, answer a few questions and receive feedback regarding his/her project.  Those who participate in Companion Animal Project judging have an opportunity to receive awards for placing 1st – 5th and be selected to represent Clermont County at the Ohio State Fair.

The registration link is for projects being judged on Tuesday, July 23, during the fair. You will need to fill out the survey separately for each project you are bringing to project judging.  Do not select the same time for more than one project and be sure to give yourself 15 minutes between interviews.

Please use the link below to register for Companion Animal Project Judging on Tuesday, July 23, 9:00am – 12:00pm. Registration deadline: Monday, July 15th.

 REGISTRATION for Tuesday, July 23

  • 215 4-H Cavy (Guinea Pig)
  • 216 Cat 1 – Purrr-fect Pals
  • 217 Cat 2 – Climbing Up
  • 218 Cat 3 – Leaping Forward
  • 220 Pocket Pets
  • 227 Pet Rabbits
  • 365.01 Reptiles and Amphibians Idea Starter
  • 365.01 Hedgehogs Idea Starter
  • 365.01 Ferrets Idea Starter
  • 365.01 Chinchillas Idea Starter
  • 365.01 Pigeon Idea Starter
  • 365.00 Self-Determined Companion Animal, for youth taking a companion animal not listed as a project above, such as caged birds, pot-bellied pigs, hermit crabs, pet chickens, etc.

Helpful tips and Project Completion Requirements

Members who want to receive credit for completing their project but do not want to participate in project judging, can review their project with their club advisor.  Projects must be reviewed by September 30, and will count for completion only.  Projects will not be eligible for county or state awards.  As as reminder, completing one project is a requirement for being a member in good standing.  Advisors can use the sheet below to assist with the project review.

Advisor Project Review Sheet


2024 General Project Judging Registration

General Project Judging registration is now available!

General Project Judging consists of a one-on-one interview with a project judge.  Members will have 15 minutes to share their 4-H project with a judge, answer a few questions and receive feedback regarding his/her project.  Those who participate in General Project judging have an opportunity to receive awards for placing 1st – 5th and be selected to represent Clermont County at the Ohio State Fair.

There are two different links to register; one link is for projects being judged on Tuesday, July 9th and the other link is for projects being judged on Wednesday, July 10th . You will need to fill out the survey separately for each project you are bringing to pre-fair project judging.  Do not select the same time for more than one project and be sure to give yourself 15 minutes between interviews. The deadline to register is Monday, July 1.

Please use the links below to register for General Project Judging on Tuesday, July 9th and Wednesday, July 10th:

REGISTRATION for Tuesday, July 9th

  • About 4-H
  • Animal Sciences
  • Career Exploration
  • Communication
  • Home Living
  • Leadership and Citizenship
  • Money Management
  • Natural Resources
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
  • Self-Determined

REGISTRATION for Wednesday, July 10th

  • Clothing and Textile Science
  • Creative and Leisure Arts
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Healthy Living

If you register for judging and find that all of the timeslots are full, please send an email to Meghan Burdsall ( with the 4-H members name, project being judged, and two preferred times.

Pre-Judged Projects

The only projects that will be pre-judged are clothing & textile projects (including projects that do not require sewing), You Can Quilt!, Quilting the Best Better, and the Writer in You. These projects must be turned into the Extension Office by 11:00 a.m. on Wednesay, July 10th, for pre-judging.

Please bring clothing and textile projects to pre-judging, covered with a clear plastic bag (you can get these from a dry cleaner).  Attach a 5” x 5” swatch of the fabric, pattern, a 4” x 6” index card with your first and last name, age, project title and club name as well as a  photo of you in your garment to the outside of the bag. Your Style Revue Narration is also due this day.

Style Revue Narration

Creative writing project entries must be submitted on 8 ½ x 11 inch paper and typewritten. Stories should be double-spaced. The member’s full name, club and class name should appear on the cover page. The member’s last name and page number should appear on the bottom right corner of each page. Entries must be submitted in a 9” x 12” envelope, clearly marked with the youth’s name. Do not submit any folders, notebooks, or binders

Helpful tips and Project Judging Requirements

Members who want to receive credit for completing their project but do not want to participate in project judging, can review their project with their club advisor.  Projects must be reviewed by September 30, and will count for completion only.  Projects will not be eligible for county or state awards.  As as reminder, completing one project is a requirement for being a member in good standing.  Advisors can use the sheet below to assist with the project review.

Advisor Project Review Sheet

REMINDER! The following projects are judged as part of the Companion Animal Show, held on Tuesday of fair week.  Exhibitors will be required to register for an interview time for the Companion Animal Show.  The Companion Animal Show registration will be available soon!

  • 215 4-H Cavy (Guinea Pig)
  • 216 Cat 1 – Purrr-fect Pals
  • 217 Cat 2 – Climbing Up
  • 218 Cat 3 – Leaping Forward
  • 220 Pocket Pets
  • 227 Pet Rabbits
  • 365.01 Reptiles and Amphibians Idea Starter
  • 365.01 Hedgehogs Idea Starter
  • 365.01 Ferrets Idea Starter
  • 365.01 Chinchillas Idea Starter
  • 365.01 Pigeon Idea Starter
  • 365.00 Self-Determined Companion Animal, for youth taking a companion animal not listed as a project above, such as caged birds, pot-bellied pigs, hermit crabs, pet chickens, etc.

4-H Communications Contest Registration

Do you enjoy public speaking or teaching others? Put your skills to into action and enter the Clermont County 4-H Communications Contest! The 4-H Communications Contest will be held on Monday, July 15, starting at 10 a.m., in the 4-H Hall. Please note the date change for this contest. This change was made to accommodate fair schedule changes and to meet the state fair deadline. All 4-H members are invited to present a demonstration/illustrated talk or submit an entry for the marketing division. The deadline to register is Monday, July 8.

Communications Contest Registration

Cultivating Young Minds: OSU Extension Inspires 3rd Graders on Agriculture Day at Seipelt Elementary

In today’s fast-paced digital age, where screens often dominate young minds, fostering a connection with the natural world and understanding the role that agriculture plays in our everyday lives is more crucial than ever. Recognizing this, Seipelt Elementary teacher, Christa Burbage, hosted an event called Third Grade Ag Day, aimed at educating third-grade students about the importance of agriculture and sustainability. At the heart of this initiative was the invaluable support and programming provided by various volunteers and organizations throughout Clermont County, including Ohio State University (OSU) Extension.

On Ag Day, the school buzzed with excitement as students eagerly participated in various hands-on activities and stations centered around agriculture and its significance in our daily lives. OSU Extension delivered three engaging programs designed to ignite curiosity and appreciation for 4-H and the agricultural world.

Students participated in an interactive session on plant life cycles and gardening basics. Under the guidance of 4-H/FCS Educator Kelly Royalty, students rolled up their sleeves and got their hands dirty, planting seeds and learning about the journey from seed to harvest. Witnessing the wonder on their faces as they nurtured tiny seeds into potential bountiful plants was a testament to the power of experiential learning.

Ag and Natural Resources Educator Gigi Neal led another captivating station that delved into the fascinating world of insects as pollinators and non-native friends. Students played a game called “Is it a bee or a wasp?” where they discovered the crucial role these tiny creatures play in our food system. Through engaging demonstrations and informative discussions, they gained a deeper understanding of the delicate balance between pollinators and agriculture, highlighting the importance of conservation efforts. The USDA Animal Plant Health Inspection Services provided an educational lesson and activity about the Asian long-horned beetle, which they completed in class.

Furthermore, 4-H Educator Amber Kassay engaged students in learning about what the 4-H organization has to offer. She highlighted the diverse opportunities available through 4-H, such as hands-on learning, leadership development, skill building, career exploration, inclusivity and diversity, community engagement, recognition and awards, and most importantly, friendships and fun. She was able to show students how their participation in 4-H aligns with their interests and goals.

Beyond the educational aspect, Agriculture Day at Seipelt Elementary was a celebration of community collaboration. By partnering with OSU Extension, Clermont Soil and Water Conservation District, CNE FFA, and local farmers and producers, the school not only provided enriching experiences for its students but also strengthened ties with the local agricultural community. Through these partnerships, students gained insights into potential career paths and the diverse opportunities available within the field of agriculture.

As the day drew to a close, it was evident that Agriculture Day had left a lasting impression on the young minds of the students at Seipelt Elementary. Armed with newfound knowledge and inspiration, students departed with a deeper appreciation for the natural world and the vital role agriculture plays in sustaining life. Events like Ag Day continue to sow the seeds of curiosity and cultivate a generation passionate about the future of food and farming.

Clermont County 4-H

We strive to make 4-H accessible to all youth in Clermont County. Accommodations can be made for youth with disabilities utilizing our Winning 4-H Plan. This form must be completed by the member’s parent/guardian and submitted to their county 4-H professional. Your 4-H professional will contact the parent/guardian to arrange a meeting to discuss the request in more detail. To make an accommodation request, complete the Winnng 4-H Plan Request Form (link below).  Email your plans to Kelly Royalty at  ALL plans must be received by June 15.

Winning 4-H Plan Request Form