Clermont County’s 2023 Litter Clean-Up (SLC)

The Clermont Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is working with local partners to plan this year’s Litter Clean-Up event. The 2023 event will be held at multiple locations through Clermont County on Saturday, April 22, 2023.

Volunteers can help spruce up areas in their communities while enjoying the outdoors. There are many opportunities and areas throughout the county for volunteers to help by clearing trash and unsightly debris from our parks, waterways and other shared open spaces. Group and in-person activities plan to be coordinated for the 2023 event. Community coordinators will provide details on those activities later in the spring. Volunteer safety is the top priority. All volunteers will be provided with clean-up materials for their activities, including protective gloves, trash bags and litter grabbers. Individuals that request litter clean-up materials will be sent details for supply pick-up in their communities.

We appreciate the support of our partner agencies, including the Ohio EPA, Adams-Clermont Soil Waste District (ACSWD), the Clermont County Park District, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers and OSU Extension. Most importantly, thank you to the volunteers and communities that come back year after year to protect our local natural resources!

Please visit the SLC website for more information: For questions or additional information please contact Connie Miller at (513) 732-7075 ext. 2 or


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