Are you looking for a new way to become involved with the Clermont County 4-H program? The Clermont County 4-H Advisory Committee is accepting nominations for members to serve the 2024-2026 term. In order to add a youth voice to the committee, youth nominations are also being accepted. Youth must be at least 15 years of age and will serve a one year term on the committee. Members of the 4-H Committee assist in determining the priorities and direction of the local 4-H program, are responsible for planning and conducting 4-H events, assisting with fundraisers, and promoting the 4-H program. Members over 18 years of age must be approved 4-H volunteers or agree to complete the 4-H volunteer process. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone you know to serve on the committee, please complete the nomination form below before Monday, October 2.