4-H Member and Volunteer End-of-Year Recognition Awards

Clermont County 4-H wants to recognize its members for their hard work and participation in the program throughout the year.  4-H members are encouraged to submit an application for the 4-H Clover Award and  Outstanding 4-H’er Award as well as submit officer books for review.

Outstanding 4-H’er Award
The Clermont County 4-H Committee will once again select a 4-H member to receive the “Outstanding 4-H’er Award.”.  The Outstanding 4-H’er Award is meant to honor a 4-H member(s) for their performance, dedication, and passion for the 4-H program.  Applicants must be a current 4-H member, complete the award application in its entirety, have the support of his/her 4-H advisor, and attend the 4-H Recognition Banquet in November.

4-H Volunteer of the Year Award
The 4-H Volunteer of the Year is the highest honor bestowed upon Clermont County 4-H volunteers for recognition at the local level. The purpose of the award is to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions of service to the 4-H program and who have also made an important positive impact upon clubs, communities, and the county or state 4-H program.

Friend of 4-H Award
This award recognizes an individual, family, business or corporation that supports the Clermont County 4-H Program in a charitable manner.

True Leaders in Service Award
The Clermont County True Leaders in Service Award is an award recognizing 4-H clubs for their implementation of community service projects that positively impact their community. Service projects must have been completed between November 1, 2022 and October 31, 2023.

Honor Club Award
Honor club is a prestigious award given to 4-H clubs who meet a minimum standard of activities. There are 14 requirements that are mandatory. Additionally, clubs must meet 16 of the 40 non-mandatory requirements. Clubs will receive a gift for their achievement.

4-H Clover Award
A 4-H Achievement Award is an award that recognizes 4-H members, at least 8 years old and in 3rd grade to age 19, for his/her involvement in the Clermont County 4-H Program. Members earn points for their participation in 4-H club, county, district, state, national and international events and activities. Please submit only one application per person.

Pin Order Form
Member pin order forms are also available. Funds from the Kathleen Retzler Memorial 4-H Endowment Fund will be used to cover the costs of all pins. All volunteers reaching a milestone year will be awarded a pin.  Pin order forms are due to the Extension Office by October 2. To allow enough time for order shipment, no late orders will be accepted.

Officer Book Competition
Club officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, News Reporter, Health Officer, Safety Officer, Community Service Officer, Historian and Recreation Leader) are encouraged to submit officer books for judging.  Books will be judged on content, neatness, workmanship and creativity, and placed 1st-5th.  Books can be dropped off at the Extension Office, Monday through Friday from 8:00a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

All forms and officer books are due by Monday, October 2.

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