It is that time! The Clermont County Fair is almost here and preparations are in full swing at the fairgrounds, with the Ag Society (Senior and Junior), and at OSU Extension.
Drug Use Notification Forms (DUNF), Sale Committees Hog Hair Length Statement, UPI Affidavit, and Junior Fair Standards of Behavior are available to be completed. All forms are to be completed by NOON on Friday, July 22nd.
Exhibitors in the following categories must complete one per animal except for pens of chickens (1 form for the pen).
- Lactating Dairy Cow
- Lactating Dairy Goat
- Market Beef (steer/heifer)
- Market Chicken – Broiler
- Market Chicken – Meat Pen
- Market Goat (dairy/meat)
- Market Hog (barrow/gilt)
- Market Lamb
- Market Turkey
Please note that turkeys and chickens were given an identification number at pick-up, please use that number for your animal identification. The Extension Office or your consultant has a record on file if needed.
Hog Hair Length
If any of these requirements are not met, the animal is not eligible to be sold.
- For any hog to be allowed to sell, its hair length must be at least ½-inch long. No exceptions.
- No clipping of any hog project after 8a Sunday of the fair.
- If the grand or reserve champion barrow or gilt is determined to have hair length less than 1/2 inch, it will not sell but, pursuant to Ohio law, the animal is still terminal, and the exhibitor is required to have the animal delivered to a facility as determined by the Clermont County Agricultural Society.
The hair length will be measured at the convenience of the Sale Committee by a third-party person hired by the Sales Committee.
Sale Committee Statement for Hog Hair Length
***Please note that there are no ractopamine forms to be filled out this year for hogs.
United Producers Incorporated Exhibition Livestock Producer Affidavit
Jr. Fair Exhibitors of market swine, market beef, market dairy steers, beef feeders, dairy feeders, market goats, and market lambs must complete the United Producers Inc. “Exhibition Livestock Producer Affidavit” prior to showing and/or selling those animals at the Fair. Each exhibitor needs to complete one (1) form for each species being shown not one per animal. Example: If you are showing market beef and market lambs, you would complete 2 affidavits – one for market beef and one for market lambs.
UPI Exhibition Livestock Producer Affidavit
Junior Fair Standards of Behavior
This form is to be completed by all Clermont County Junior Fair participants in 4-H & FFA, consultants, and volunteers.
All forms are to be completed by NOON on Friday, July 22nd.