The 4-H club meeting is a key delivery method for 4-H programming. As a reminder, Ohio 4-H requires that members attend six meetings per year. Four of those meetings should be attended prior to fair to be eligible for a fair pass through 4-H. Members should be the ones attending the meeting. A parent or family member should not attend a 4-H club meeting in place of the youth member. The purpose of 4-H meetings is to allow youth to:
- acquire new knowledge and share ideas,
- develop self-confidence, leadership, citizenship, and other life skills,
- participate in decision making,
- develop responsibility and commitment,
- make new friends,
- enjoy recreational activities,
- learn and use parliamentary procedure,
- work on projects.
Having well-planned and well-balanced meetings is essential to engaging youth in a great 4-H experience. Check out the resources below to help take the guess work out of club meetings.