Knowledge Exchange Hub for COVID-19 graphicWhat more do you want to learn about covid-19?

There’s a lot of information out there about the coronavirus (COVID-19). The Knowledge Exchange, in partnership with Ohio State University Extension, the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, and CFAES researchers, created the COVID-19 Hub to share the world-class research and knowledge from The Ohio State University directly with Ohioans.

Our statewide network of scientists, Extension professionals, and faculty have been working together to share information and collect resources that you can use to stay informed. You’ll find answers to Frequently Asked Questions on our hub and helpful links. Visit the Hub at http://kx.osu.edu/covid-19.

It can be challenging to figure out what is a trusted news source. Visit our “How to Analyze News & Data” page for ways to recognize science-based stories and safe sources of information.  The Hub contains a variety of information related to Health & Wellness, Ohio Farms & Farmers, Family & Kids, Tools & Resources, Business & Working and News & Science.  From telecommuting; financial resources; food safety and coping with social distancing to COVID and animals; disinfecting alternatives and paycheck protection, the Hub has resources for everyone!

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