Ohio Farm Custom Rate Survey – 2020

To: All Extension ANR Personnel

Re: Ohio State University Extension – Ohio Farm Custom Rate Survey – 2020

Request for Assistance in Collecting Data

We are asking Extension ANR personnel to assist in gathering data for this survey again this year. We would ask you to disseminate and collect completed surveys this winter at your Pesticide Applicator Training (PAT) Recertification Schools, Agronomy Schools and other schools, meetings and workshops.

The more data we can collect, the better information we will have available for clientele. Direct mailings and inclusion in newsletter mailings and e-newsletters are also encouraged.


Two options for distributing this survey:

  1. Attached is a cover letter that may be used when distributing this survey to your clientele.
  2. An online survey option is again available at the following link: ohio farm custom rates survey 2020 or


  1. Deadline for surveys to be returned: March 31st, 2020.


When disseminating and collecting surveys, please instruct cooperators on the following points:

  1. We need your assistance in securing up-to-date information about farm custom work rates and machinery rental rates in Ohio. This information is updated every-other year and published by OSU Extension. It is widely used across the state, so we need the best information available.
  2. Ask cooperators to consider rates that are current. Providers should include their latest price increases or planned increases.
  3. If they have completed this survey already, ask them to please not fill out another as it will skew the data and the results.
  4. Ask them to please respond even if they know only a few rates. We want information on actual rates, either what they paid to hire work or what they charged if they perform custom work.
  5. Please give further directions on:

Silage Harvest (Pg.2, 1st Column) Please have them circle what type of storage they use:

1.Upright, 2.Bunker or 3.Silage Bag.

Baling – Large Bale or Stack (Page 2, 2nd Column) Please have them circle what type of bale or stack they are completing the section for. 1. Large Round Bale – Approx. #1500, 2. Large Round Bale – Approx. #600-1000, 3. Large Square Bale, 4. Stack

Drainage Installation (Page 3, 1st Column) Please have them circle what type of Installation Method is being used: 1. Ditching Machine, 2. Drainage Plow.


Thank you for your assistance!



Barry Ward

Leader, Production Business Management

OSU Extension ANR

(614) 688-3959



John Barker

Extension Educator Agriculture/Amos Program

OSU Extension Knox County

(740) 397-0401


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