May Junior Fair Tag-in Information

Market Hog Tag In Driving Instructions for May 12th

Any trailer bringing in hogs on May 12th needs to enter the Locust Street Gate of the Fairgrounds. Drivers will need to drive around the track toward the horse barns and follow the paved road back up to the hog barn. Trailers will enter the hog barn (as they do when we weigh/unload at the fair) for hogs to be tagged/weighed if the exhibitor chooses for their animal to be weighed In. Trailers will then exit to the gravel lot behind the hog barn and have access to ST RT 132.  Remember hog tag in/weigh in is from 8am-12pm; MUST BE IN LINE BY 11am. Please see diagram below.

Please Note: If you are bringing in lambs or goats with your hogs please choose the market hog line. You will then need to walk your lamb or goat to the lamb/goat weigh in. Remember that all lambs/goats must be tagged in by 10am.

Market Lamb/ Goat Tag In Driving Instructions for May 12th

Any trailer bringing in ONLY lambs/ goats will need to enter the Locust Street Gate of the Fairgrounds. Drivers will go directly into the infield of the track at opening near rabbit barn. Drivers will then cross the track in front of the grandstands and take a left at next opening in the fence. Trailers will then drive between the Senior Fair Board Office and Commercial Building towards the beef barn where animals may be unloaded for weigh in/tag in. Trailer parking in Western Avenue gravel lot. Trailers must exit the fairgrounds using Western Ave. Please see diagram below.

Feeder Calf and Breeding Heifer May 19th Tag In/ Weigh In Instructions

Any trailer bringing Feeder Cattle/ Breeding Heifers on May 19th needs to enter the Gravel Lot behind the hog barn off of ST RT 132. Trailers will follow the gravel lot all the way to the end towards the Beef Barn. Trailers will park at the end towards Western Ave. unload their cattle walk them onto the fairgrounds to be tagged/ weighed. Trailers will then exit using Western Ave.  THERE WILL NOT BE ANY ACCESS TO FAIRGROUNDS. Please see diagram below.


If you have questions about your project category, please contact the Consultant in Charge.

Sheep – Kellie Howerton Bell

Goats – Brian O’Neil (market & meat breeding), Becky Jones (dairy & fiber), Cindy Stegbauer (pygmy, pack/harness)

Hogs – Kim Hill

Beef – Penny Church


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