New CFAES Human Resource Website

Today (10/20) there will be changes implemented related to the human resource related websites in the college.  As the new college-wide HR site is launched, you will notice that previous links and sites are being redirected.  We appreciate your patience as this launch takes place this afternoon.

There will be additional communication about the new HR site in the near future.

Reminder: Open Enrollment starts October 19

Reminder: Open Enrollment starts October 19
This is a reminder that Open Enrollment starts Monday, October 19, and ends Friday, October 30. Please encourage faculty and staff in your college or VP unit to visit during Open Enrollment and click on the “Enroll Now” button to review existing or make new elections. Faculty and staff can get a head start by using the site to review plan changes and rates. In addition, information about benefits forums for faculty and staff is included at

Tuition Assistance Seminar November 4
Whether completing courses for interest or working towards a degree, eligible employees can take advantage of their education benefits. Join Admission Counselor Lauren Mungin for “Thriving in Education through Ohio State Tuition Assistance” on November 4 in Enarson 311 to understand the steps of becoming a student. Costs, deadlines, courses and the Tuition Assistance program for staff and dependents will be discussed in this interactive presentation.

Two sessions are available. Register for 4-5 p.m. or 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Contact Lauren at for more information.Re

33rd Annual Blood Battle

Bleed scarlet and gray? Show your OSU spirit by donating blood at Agricultural Administration Building on Thursday, November 5 from 10am to 4pm. Your donation will help us beat Michigan in the 33rd annual Blood Battle! Make your appointment with the Red Cross today at sponsor code: buckeyes or call 1-800 RED CROSS.

Come to give & get a Blood Battle T-shirt, BOGO Chipotle Coupon, plus a chance to win 2 OSU-Michigan game tickets! For more information about blood battle and to check the score visit:

Innovation Seminar Series

Innovation in Higher Education Seminar is planned for Friday, October 16, at 10 a.m.

Dr. Judith Cone from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will be presenting. She will deliver the presentation from 130 Research Services at OARDC in Wooster, and it will be video linked to Room 140G Ag. Admin. on the Columbus Campus.

Please register at this web address. Please indicate from which location you will be attending.

Please check the attachment for further information about the seminar and information about the speaker.

Cone Innovation Seminar Announcement 10.16.15

Betty Aylsworth

Program Coordinator
College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
OARDC//BioHio Research Park
320A Pounden TDC, 1680 Madison Avenue, Wooster, OH 44691
330 263-3715 Office / 330 263-3713 Fax

State of Research Address – Ohio State University

When:  Thursday, October 22 (8:30am) – U.S. Bank Conference Theater – Ohio Union

Dr. Caroline Whitacre, vice president for research, will deliver the annual state of research address and present the 2015 Innovator of the Year awards. Hear more about the breadth, scope and excellence of the university’s research enterprise and learn who will be named Ohio State’s most innovative researchers.

Join us for a reception honoring the Innovators of the Year in Woody’s Tavern immediately following the announcement.

The event is open to the entire research community.

DC Days 2016 – Opportunity for Assistant Professors

We are pleased to announce an opportunity for Assistant Professors (tenure track) to visit federal funding agencies to receive a comprehensive overview of funding programs and meet one-on-one with federal program officers to discuss their specific research objectives. The program is geared toward those who have applied for federal funding, are familiar with the grant submission process—but have not been successful in receiving funding to support their research. The RFA has been attached along with an overview of last year’s event. Please let us know if you have any questions.

DC Days RFP October 2016

DC Days 2015

Lori Kaser, CRA
Grants and Contracts Administrator
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center
209 Research Services Bldg., 1680 Madison Avenue , Wooster , OH 44691-4096
330-263-3647 Office / 330-231-7165 Mobile

OPERS Changes Coming for Rehired Retirees

Employees of Ohio State who are retired through OPERS and eligible to participate in OPERS health care should pay special attention to OPERS communications regarding 2016 health care open enrollment. OPERS is making changes to how its retirees will receive health care benefits in 2016. For some OPERS retirees, the cost of their OPERS medical coverage may increase if they remain employed by an OPERS employer in 2016.

The OPERS health benefit changes are effective January 1, 2016, and retirees have to make their OPERS benefit selections by October 31, 2015. OPERS offers in-person and online seminars for retirees. See for details.

What you need to do:
Please refer your OPERS retirees to OPERS for any questions at

Director of Marketing and Communications Search & Screen Committee

The search committee for the Director of Marketing and Communications search and screen committee has been identified and will be meeting October 27.  The position should be posted in the next two weeks and everyone is encouraged to nominate individuals and share the position announcement with qualified candidates.  The search and screen committee is:

Kathy Lechman (Chair)
Beau Ingle
Kim Brown
Frances Whited
Molly Bean
Mitch Moser
Kelly Zachrich

Bucks for Charity

Dear Colleagues,

As President Drake announced, the Bucks for Charity drive is underway! Through November 13, you can give to your favorite charity – conveniently one-time or online through payroll deduction.

David Davisson and I will be the Bucks for Charity coordinators for CFAES. Watch your email for an opportunity to celebrate your giving near the end of the campaign.

Bucks for Charity is one way all of us can come together to help transform our community and the lives of others. Our goal this year is to have 14% of our faculty and staff donate to raise $29,000. Last year, 12 % of our faculty and staff participated and we raised $23,470.

The annual drive encourages faculty and staff to donate to local organizations of their choice. There are many charities you can give to through Bucks for Charity that provide programs and services for education, health, environment, hunger, social justice or other community needs. If you’re already giving to a local organization, you can donate to the same organization through Bucks for Charity.

Please reach out to us if you have any questions. We also have paper forms if you’d prefer a one-time gift via check or cash. Printed resource guides are also available if you’d like to consider any of the participating charities.

For more information, visit and view this video from the Bucks for Charity Chairs, Miechelle Willis, Athletics Deputy Director, and Mike Michael Hofherr, Vice President and Chief Information Officer.

If each of us gives a little – even the price of one cup of coffee – we can help someone in need and make a meaningful difference in our community.


David C. F. Davisson | Media Distribution
College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences | Marketing and Communications
264 Kottman Hall | 2021 Coffey Road | Columbus, OH 43210 | 614-292-1607 Office | 614-292-2270 Fax |

Gwen H. Wolford, Ph.D.
Director, Government Affairs
College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Suite 25, 2120 Fyffe Rd., Columbus, OH 43210
614.563.1307 cell 614.292.6738 FAX