BuckeyeBox, DropBox and TeamViewer

Applications and services that are not purchased or licensed by Ohio State, including those freely available on the internet, may not meet university standards for privacy, data security, intellectual property protection, and records retention. Many existing third-party providers have not entered into university agreements with Ohio State, and thus their products cannot and should not be used with university data or university-owned computing resources. (https://ocio.osu.edu/policy/standards/cloud)

In early 2013, Ohio State established a formal relationship with Box.net to offer faculty, staff and students an easy way to share files and folders online through a university branded solution called BuckeyeBox, which many in the university population are already currently using. CFAES pays for this service centrally and makes it available to you at no cost. BuckeyeBox is the only approved Ohio State cloud collaboration tool. (https://ocio.osu.edu/blog/community/2015/02/17/do-you-know-about-buckeyebox).

In light of this, CFAES is moving forward to ensure that university data is not moving to or through unauthorized third-party providers. In the days ahead, ITS staff will be actively assisting Dropbox users to migrate their process to BuckeyeBox and remove the Dropbox software from our environment throughout the months of July and August.

Additionally, CFAES will also be actively removing the application for TeamViewer from our environment throughout the months of July and August. TeamViewer is an application that can potentially provide unauthorized remote access to computing resources within our environment, and as such, presents a significant risk to machine security as well as licensing problems.

If you need assistance getting signed up and using BuckeyeBox or have questions regarding this process, contact your local IT support personnel or the ITS help desk at (614) 292-9110 for Columbus or (330) 263-3772 for Wooster.

Matt DeVore
Chief Information Officer
College of Food Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
131C Research Services, 1680 Madison Avenue, Wooster, OH 44691
330-202-3577 Office
devore.38@osu.edu cfaes.osu.edu

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