Key Points on Sheep and Goat ID

United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS)

Owner/Hauler Statements
On March 25, 2019, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) updated its scrapie regulations and program standards through the publication of a Final Rule in the Federal Register and the Scrapie Eradication Program Standards, Volume 1, which included updating identification requirements for goats and certain record keeping requirements for sheep and goats. These rules apply to sheep or goats that are moving or have moved in interstate commerce, that have resided on premises where interstate commerce is conducted, or that are owned by people who engage in interstate commerce. This includes animals moved though markets or other sites where interstate commerce occurs even if the particular animal has not left the state.

Official identification is now required for all sheep and goats 18 months of age or older, and for all sexually intact sheep and goats under 18 months of age. A group/lot identification number (GIN) and owner/hauler statement (OHS) may be used instead of an official ear tag or other official individual ID for the following movements:

  • Intrastate or interstate movement to a Federally Approved Market as a single source group lot of any age to be tagged;
  • Intrastate movement to another site as a single source group lot of any age to be tagged, if allowed by the state;
  • Restricted movement within slaughter channels to a slaughter establishment, an individual for slaughter for personal use, a restricted sale, or a terminal feedlot at under 18 months as a single- or multi-source group lot;
  • Restricted movement within slaughter channels to a slaughter establishment, an individual for slaughter for personal use, a restricted sale, or a terminal feedlot at 18 months or older as a single-source group lot;
  • Intrastate or interstate movement to another premises of the flock that is recorded in the National Scrapie Database for grazing or other management purposes; or,
  • Interstate movement of an animal directly to a veterinary clinic for treatment and direct return to the premises of

An interstate certificate of veterinary inspection (ICVI) is required for all other sheep and goats that are not exempted above that cross a state line.

Sheep or goats that are in slaughter channels must have an owner/hauler statement that includes a group/lot identification number even if they have individual official ear tags. An owner/hauler statement is a signed written statement by the owner or hauler of the animals that includes:

  • The name, address and phone number of the owner and, if different, the hauler
  • The date the animals were moved
  • The Flock ID assigned to the flock or premises of the animals
  • Group/Lot ID Number (if being used)
  • The number of animals
  • The species, breed and class of animals
  • The name and address of the point of origin
  • The name and address of the destination
  • A statement that the animals are in slaughter channels, when applicable

A group/lot identification number (GIN) is used to uniquely identify a unit of animals managed together as one group. The format of the GIN is the flock identification number followed by a 6- digit representation of the date on which the group or lot of animals was assembled (i.e.

XX1234-MMDDYY). A sequential number will be added to the end of the GIN if more than one group is created on the same date (i.e. XX1234-MMDDYY-1). Non-flock premises should use their NPIN or LID without separators (NPINMMDDYY01).

Examples of owner/hauler statements:
Statement on the left – This example is for sheep delivered to the market by the owner:

Statement on the right – If the owner does not deliver the animals, the hauler and flock of origin information would both need to be included on the statement.

Owner: Bob Doe

123 East Street

Owner: Bob Doe

123 East Street

Hauler: John Smith

456 West Street

Wood, MI 12345 Wood, MI 12345 Wood, MI 12345
876-555-0987 876-555-0987 678-555-7890


MI3187, Lot MI3187-041919-1

10 Blackface cull ewes, 6 meat nannies Happy Valley Livestock

4787 Free Lane

Tree, MI 46678


These animals are in slaughter channels.


Bob Doe



MI3187, Lot MI3187-041919-1

10 Blackface cull ewes, 6 meat nannies Happy Valley Livestock

4787 Free Lane

Tree, MI 46678


These animals are in slaughter channels.


Bob Doe

Editors note: To access a PDF file for the Federal Sheep and Goat Official Identification Decision Tree for Animals in Interstate Commerce, please click on the link.