A Nov. 15 event at Ohio State aims to help Ohio’s cities, towns and suburbs limit conflicts between people and wildlife, from deer to geese to coyotes like this one. Find out more. (Photo: iStock.)
urban wildlife
Has Rocky met his match?
Speaking of urban wildlife, check out this video from yesterday’s Globe and Mail (Canada). Can two hungry, motivated raccoons break into Toronto’s new raccoon-proof garbage can?
In the city there’s a thousand faces all shining bright
Urban coyote expert Stan Gehrt of CFAES’s School of Environment and Natural Resources is quoted in a recent National Geographic story on how certain wild animals are adapting to living in cities. A mountain lion in front of the Hollywood sign? A coyote on a rooftop in New York City? Wild boars in Berlin? They’re there. There’s also a slideshow of city-dwellers from photographer Joel Sartore’s Photo Ark project. Sartore, you might remember, spoke at Ohio State last year. Learn about Gehrt’s coyote work here. (Photo: Coyote puppies, joelsartore.com.) (Tip o’ the headline hat to The Jam.)
When deer attack
Learn the best ways to handle backyard wildlife problems — not just from deer but from geese, coyotes, raccoons and others — in an April 14 workshop by CFAES’s Marne Titchenell …