First Energy Impacts Symposium starts Wednesday

The first-ever Energy Impacts Symposium is taking place this Wednesday and Thursday at Ohio State.

The event is an international research conference on the effects of new energy development — including both renewable and fossil fuels — on people, communities and economies.

Organizers are expecting about 140 energy-related social science experts from 25 U.S. states, Canada, five continents and 100 universities.

The experts will represent fields such as public health, public policy, psychology, sociology, anthropology, political science and community development. Continue reading First Energy Impacts Symposium starts Wednesday

Energy education: Time to ‘embrace conflict,’ mobilize, keep eye on future

Energy education needed“Issues related to energy development are often emotionally charged, with the potential for conflict.” So writes CFAES’s Eric Romich in “The Role of Extension in Energy Education,” published this month in the Journal of Extension. Romich is an OSU Extension energy development specialist. “Looking forward to the next 100 years,” he continues, “it is time for Extension to adapt and mobilize research and educational programming to address critical energy issues facing our nation.” Read the article. (Photo: Creatas.)