The goal of this page is to help Extension professional celebrate Dine In Day with their local community. In addition, OSU Extension FCS professional hope to make county, state and national connections to celebrate Dine In and FCS day on December 3rd.
Lucas County Ohio – If you are looking for information about celebrations in Lucas County, please visit and follow The Ohio State University Extension, Lucas County on Facebook. Share your stories and photos on social media and use the national #FCSday #healthyfamselfie and local #LiveSmartLucas. In addition, you can follow #LucasTheGnome on our county Extension Facebook page.
Extension Colleagues and Community Partners – If you are looking for ideas to lead, coordinate and promote Dine In Day in your own community, please complete the informal survey below and then visit the Idea Starter Page below. The survey is a short six questions and at the end it will bring you right back to this page. LINK TO SURVEY
This list cannot cover all of the great material available online but it focuses on Cooperative Extension, Ohio State University Extension Family and Consumer Sciences and national community partners including, but not limited to AAFCS (American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences) and NEAFCS (National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences). This blog is just a starting point from the point-of-view of a county Extension Educator. For this national celebration, AAFCS coordinates many national partners and collects the list of participants – make sure you and your local partners sign up to be counted and share your story on social media.
Idea Starter Dine In Day
If you’re looking for something easy to hand out at programs, AAFCS has a business card size promo piece for Dine In day. Use Avery 5371 Business Cards (10 per page) for easy printing. Print, double sided/flip on short edge. Dine In Day Promo – Business Card
- Technology Bucket
- Table Setting Display
- Social Media Posts
- List of OSUE blogs and Factsheets related to families eating together (not complete, more coming soon)
- The Benefit of Family Meals Factsheet
- Make Your Own Convenience Foods Factsheet
- Using a Community Supported Agriculture Share to Plan Family Meals Factsheet
- Decorate Cloth Napkin and cards to include information to send home (coming soon)
- Mealtime Games handout with 5 games for family mealtime
- Flyer for promotion in the county (coming soon)
The promotion of Dine In Day is a collaborative effort from the local level to the national level. If you have any questions about the information posted on this blog, please email Patrice at and she will help connect you with the right person at OSU Extension, Family and Consumer Sciences. For information on the national celebration, please visit AAFCS at